Pics that make you smile

In regard to the fart kontrol sign Viking poster erlier, here is another word funny for you guys.

In Denmark Slut mean"end or the end" , in english speaking countries its somthing else :D

Same goes for Swedish and Norvegian.

So the next time you do somthing with the guys, when you are done call out "slut" and when they look funny at you you just say sorry guys i am just practising my Danish.
The President of Russia, Putin was in charge when new anti-homosexuality laws came out before the recent Winter Olympics. So how did the gay community of America react? Exactly as you’d expect them to – with a President Putin butt plug. **** Putin. Literally.


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This is what I saw the other day, made me smile. I wonder what is his fuel consumption with all this extra drag he has ? :)

I will say this store owner is not without humor.
Watch Cheering staff celebrates 10,000th 'SHOPLIFTER' with a musical parade.
attention to the alarm, as she leave the store.