Pics that make you smile

Mommy/Dad what are there doing in the church.






Those Baptist got it going on :D i am looking forward to passing thry the bible belt.
Those Baptist got it going on :D i am looking forward to passing thry the bible belt.
Let us see how much you smile, when Jesus has enter you.;) I doubt, that you will fell blessed.
I doubt he will enter me, i am not even a member of his state sanctioned "gang" here.

One other thing i do not like in Denmark :oops: how the curch and the goverment is tied up, i fully acknowledge people can pray to whatever god they want.
But there should not be a state sanctioned religion like we have here.
Though it sem like muslims allso will be state sanctioned here with goverment build and funded moskes.

Byt hey you could claim even the Hells Angels is state sanctioned here, CUZ if you form a club and is over a certain number of members the "goverment" have to provide you with a place to be and get together.

So in real world we the taxpaying danes could actually fund a secret terror cell, just like we housed the terrorist Carlos back in the day when the rest of the world was looking for him :rolleyes:

For a while i even joked Saddam is no longer down there he is in Denmark collecting welfare and plotting his return.

incompetence we salute you :rolleyes:
hehe it should read we recomend you buy a dashcam none the less and help god out by posting footage of sinners on youtube.
Somthing you do not wanna see driving down the road, not least if the driver of the car look middeleastern :eek:


Close but no cigar.

Somthing you do not wanna see driving down the road, not least if the driver of the car look middeleastern :eek:

Tow vehicle doesn't seem appropriate for the job. :confused:
Tow vehicle doesn't seem appropriate for the job. :confused:

If it were a real fully loaded bomb perhaps but it is likely just a hollow mock-up which would make it no different than hauling around an empty propane tank.

Appears to be a mock-up of the Mark I LB "Little Boy" Hiroshima bomb - 10 feet (3 m) in length, 28 inches (71 cm) in diameter and weighed 8,900 lb (4000 kg)

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If it were a real fully loaded bomb perhaps but it is likely just a hollow mock-up which would make it no different than hauling around an empty propane tank....
I was speaking in the general sense - normally don't see Corvettes, Camaros, Mustangs, etc. towing anything.
I was speaking in the general sense - normally don't see Corvettes, Camaros, Mustangs, etc. towing anything.

I understand. Living here in a rural area and owning a truck I am often amazed at what people do with small inappropriate vehicles to cart around cargo you wouldn't expect. Saw a Subaru hauling a horse trailer the other day. It was one of my neighbors so I know he was just making a hop to a local horse farm on the other end of the road, but still.
Well if you loaded that sucker up with tannerite or anfo, ot would make a allmighty firecracker for sure :eek:

( just kidding guys in the Maryland bunker ) :D

Most of the newest cars have a “Back-Up Sensor” that warns the driver before

the rear bumper actually comes in contact with something.

Most people probably think that this valuable feature came out of the minds of engineers, but it was recently disclosed that the concept was first developed by a Chinese farmer.

His invention was simple and effective. Scroll down to see a photo of his Back-Up Sensor. It emits a high-pitched squeal when the vehicle backs into something.


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