Pics that make you smile

The Male psyche 101 :) but dont be alarmed girls a true man will just look, if he dont or you dont believe he will just do that,,,,, end that relationship.
The Male psyche 101 :) but dont be alarmed girls a true man will just look, if he dont or you dont believe he will just do that,,,,, end that relationship.

True, but I don't think you realize just how big the "Distracted Boyfriend" meme has been for at least a year now. @kamkar1, you're such a total square, man! :smuggrin:

Instead of posting lots of examples to explain this, I'll just post these links. The fact that Charlie Chaplin apparently came up with this "meme" in 1922 kind of blew my mind when I saw it so I put the two images together.
2018 Le Mans, 180 drivers, only one of them are female,,,, and Danish :)
The condom reminds me of an AIDS campaign in 2014. A Sydney monument was allowed to be covered with an 18 metre condom. The controversial promotion fired up locals and had Christian activists slamming it as inappropriate in public.

Can't be worst than this tree in France, or whatever you want to call it.

Paul McCarthy's artwork called "Tree" is seen at Place Vendome on October 16 in Paris, France.
Worst thing are BS like that are subsidized by the state here, provoke the living hell out of me, cuz if art or culture cant float on its own, well than its probably stupid and should be allowed to die in peace, instead of being on gooberment life support.
Well here a long list of dogs actually have to wear a muzzle, its one of those things you get when you vote on stupid idiots.
Cuz why just punish the ones that do wrong when you can punish everybody for the potential to do wrong :rolleyes: pretty sad when voting actually make your country worse, but thats how it is here now.
its one of those things you get when you vote on stupid idiots.
I wish I had some leftover empathy for you, but we have over own struggle here:vomit:.
Home you understand.
@Viking you mean to say dog muzzles aren't the number one priority in the US? WHAT COULD BE MORE IMPORTANT:sick:
Errr... That Altima under the trailer does NOT make me smile, even though it was probably the Altima driver's fault. Everything else though, especially the snap on truck... :D
Yeah, dont you guys have those guards ? i can see what we call "the bicycle guard" on the side of the trailer, but the rear guard / bumper dont seem to have been there.

My personal happy picture actually have a little downward angle on the side of my mouth, its not quite the 1000 / 60 mbit i pay for. :unsure:
Now trying to see if they can give me 300 / 300 for the same prize as upload are actually more important to me.

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