Pics that make you smile

How do you train a hippo for this job?

Probably the same way you'd train a horse, mule, dog, etc, just with appropriate treats or whatever positive reinforcement

Edit: ninja'd by raptor, whose answer was a lot better than mine!
3 Years thats way outside my memory retention time for mundane stuff,,,, even a lot of serious stuff too. :giggle:
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Well @jokiin the reason for that Euro mobility are ICE, if you can drive at 300 km/h and dont have any traffic lights or Roos to contend with, then you are going places.
Free range chicken,,,,,,sure

Free range kids,,,,,,,,,, O hell no

And i know cuz i was pretty free range growing up, and it would not have taken much for me to have gone to and stayed in a really dark place.
not a betting man either, when i get the chance the winning bet are most often taken.
How a kid will turn out, without any discipline from the parents.

And how they will behave as adults too.

I swore at my dad once.
Just the once. A tiny slap that I barely even felt sorted that out.

That man in the video showed a lot of restraint, especially when the kid went for his face. I'm glad the whole thing was documented, for his sake.

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How a kid will turn out, without any discipline from the parents.

I found this story about the clip.

The man and the child reportedly apologised to each other and left the scene, but hours later it's claimed the mother of the boy posted a short clip online showing the park ranger pushing her boy to the ground - but leaving out what happened beforehand.

"The police advised [the park manager] to post the full video... to try to make sure the whole story is out there."

That mom is a (sensor), no wonder why there no discipline in that family, no foundation for that.
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