Pics that make you smile

Hehe that kid on the dirt bike are going places :giggle:

My personal picture have improved a lot the past 24 hours, though on copper and throwing out this big a pipe the flow rate do go a little up and down, a issue i never had on fiber where it was always full speed ahead.


mega speed.jpg
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Ozzy man commenting on my hobby.

Waiting for low tide.

So thats why.


Captain Jack seagull.

My personal picture have improved a lot the past 24 hours, though on copper and throwing out this big a pipe the flow rate do go a little up and down, a issue i never had on fiber where it was always full speed ahead.


View attachment 39209

Looking good, so when are you going to get the media server installed, so we can get some uncompressed media file, here in the forum.

Women, highly complex beings,,,, at least for us men.

That one in the picture i would tickle until she begged for me to stop, and then i would tickle her some more in another way just to make sure she had a fun day.

Girls do it too.


More fabricator. ( i am pretty sure i could do better with just a acetylene torch )


O and now the way the motor and gearbox was installed in my friends 1958 Chevy Apache step side seem more reasonable. :rolleyes:
Danish football authorities already fined for fans throwing cups of beer during AU match, fans say when team score what ever you have in hand be that beer / phone whatever have to fly. :rolleyes::cautious:

I think / know football or sucker as you Americans so rightly call it are for dummies / suckers, remove alcohol consumption from the stations and sobriety checks at the entrance and no one would go watch it.

Give me a individual sport, with the chance of you dying or getting seriously injured every time you practice it,,,, now thats a man sport.
Never underestimate what people in power can say, and how much it can sound as if a drooling maniac have uttered it.

I always recall the Danish minister at the climate summit in Copenhagen uttering in extremely bad english " the ice is melting at the poles"

Look like someone think you can do just about anything else there. :giggle: