Pics that make you smile

I didn't smile at first....

...until I had allowed this bug to leave this mortal coil - and not by it's own choice!

Don't get this close - she might bite... the hated Horsefly... (Notch horned Cleg)...




You wouldn't want jaws like hers to match though...
Something bit / stung me god awful yesterday, the first time this year i have worn shorts, dunno what it was just brushed it off without looking.
The real funny thing about that "batmobile" is that it appears to be a first generation Miata - you can see the popup headlights, tiny door handle and convertible top.
I can't believe I've only just got round to watching the IT Crowd. It has some genius moments.

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Don't think I've seen that episode, might have to go back and rewatch it.
Great show!

Extended scene from that episode, feels a little relatable!
Maybe not that funny, still i dont mind admitting it do stimulate me a little as i never liked them, and also the "joy" of watching rich people wipe out.


Look like floodings in China took out a miner or two, that a lotta hardware right there.
Not that i think its imminent, but if i was to build a house anywhere, it would be at least 70 M above sea-level and nowhere near a river or mountainside.
Just looking at hight, that leave me with few places to build a house here in Denmark, but it can be done and property taxes / land cost are actually in the good end in those areas.
Though when it happen the gooberment would expropriate my house / land and build something there for them self and friends and then set to poor Danes adrift literally and not just like they do now.

But i am on to them, so i take my hopefully massive lotto win with me to a place with more room to spare. :giggle:
I hub, its not burgers and pancakes they serve ;)

Regarding dog walking i always said everything under 1 hour is slacking, same goes with other things.
Once normal, now a bit kinky ;)

I plan to get a maid or 2 when i win the lottery, must be best,,,,, and only way to keep my house clean and presentable.
And maybe they have other perks too :D
Grandma aint taking no BS, and rightfully so. :)