Pics that make you smile

Thats actually a massive saving over the entire period, and after diapers come a lot of other expensive stuff, before finally many years down the road there are no way around the diapers and then its the expensive adult size ones. :)
I assume this fall in the " it is a Jersey thing" category.

So language warning !!!!!

As a murderer of the English language i am not going to complain, but language are one thing i am okay with it being a little rough around the edges.
That girl with the owl, i had several smart-ass comments, but for once i managed to STFU and keep my fingers of the keyboard.
As a murderer of the English language i am not going to complain, but language are one thing i am okay with it being a little rough around the edges.
That girl with the owl, i had several smart-ass comments, but for once i managed to STFU and keep my fingers of the keyboard.

Surely you mean 'off the keyboard'? :devilish::giggle:
Made me smile.
A 600 HP LS swapped 121,,,,,,, ill drive it any day, though with Danish gas prices i will probably have to make do with 1 tank every month.


Nice, but it's a Swedish car, isn't that an issue in DK...?
Okay maybe for some, but we and the Swedes have a loving love hate relationship, we can deal with taking a piss on each other now, and so it should be as we and the Swedes have been the 2 nations on earth that have spent most time at war, or quite up there.
Hell the Dutch bailed us Danes out the last time when the Swedes was marching all over Denmark.
I think it was the Germans that bailed the Swedes out when we marched all over it, at least the first time ( we have taken Norway and Sweden 2 times i think it is, last time it was even a Danish girl that did it, named Queen Margrethe the first )
Our current queen are queen Margrethe the second, not as fierce as her sister in history, and even if she was we would get out ass handed to us as we Danes have turned into pussies faster than any other Nordic country.
Just wishing all the American forum members a very enjoyable THANKSGIVING DAY have a great time .....To all Canadian members sorry I missed the date back in October ....Ipol
Just wishing all the American forum members a very enjoyable THANKSGIVING DAY have a great time .....To all Canadian members sorry I missed the date back in October ....Ipol

Black Friday is a day away. Always people dying for deals literally. Every year there is someone that gets crushed or shot.
