Pics that make you smile

I know that Charlie Brown speech, got 9.5 years of it, with only rare glimpses of actual Danish.
For your next party :devilish:
Must have a lot of red light running problems there, but at least they try something instead of just bypassing the issue.
in downtown houston, where the roads cross light rail tracks, they have a red outline around each traffic light to make it more obvious:!1s7Ae2y2HrtiG_QT-37QL8CQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

the outline is actually brighter than the red light itself, but at the angle that was taken, it doesn't look that way. i guess maybe the LEDs are focused at the traffic lanes, not the sidewalk.
That left glass look to be the one with windex in it ( not sparkly )
Not really glad for those colorful soft or other drinks, but i do recall some neon colored nasty stuff from when i was a kid and that i liked back then.
IMO coloring of food ASO should be banned, it are so not needed Vs the negative aspects of food colors.

Never tasted any mountain dew product, they are in stores here but i bypass them and go strait for my sugar free faxe kondi or some days any cola ( pepsi / coke ) with sugar.
The problem is that washer fluid used the identical style 2 liter bottle used by soft drinks. If they had used a different container like the Windex bottle or any other shape, it would be less of an issue.

I don't know if there is a safety mandate here in the US, but I've never seen that 2 liter bottle type used to package fluids not meant for human consumption.


That left glass look to be the one with windex in it ( not sparkly )
Not really glad for those colorful soft or other drinks, but i do recall some neon colored nasty stuff from when i was a kid and that i liked back then.
One of the local TV news stations just posted this


"Snowed" means there were some very light flurries in the morning yesterday when the temp was right around freezing. Enough to get the kids really excited as they got on the school bus, but it melted as soon as it hit the ground. But it was actual snow flakes, some almost 0.5cm across, not sleet or ice pellets, which is what we usually get when they forecast "winter precipitation" here.
@Gibson99 Yep, that's Houston. If you don't like the weather outside, wait a half hour more and it will be fine :LOL: Of the many places I've been, I've never seen WX change as fast and as completely as it does there!

@Gibson99 Yep, that's Houston. If you don't like the weather outside, wait a half hour more and it will be fine :LOL: Of the many places I've been, I've never seen WX change as fast and as completely as it does there!


Half an hour?!! Here in New England the old saying is: "If you don't like the weather, wait a few minutes". And that often feels about right! :)
So was my dad.

light rail

I have a sneaky feeling that they are going to try something new at a few intersections down in Aarhus with the new light rail system there, not long ago they had 2 events at the same intersection in one day.
So what ever they are doing don't seem to be enough,,,,,,,, and also clear up for me why in our capitol Copenhagen they went with a Underground system instead ( them people over there being less smart than people in Aarhus )!1sbqsO6Ptn8jdlj1xx_pW9EQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Only "special there seem to be the light for the light rails them self, cars still just have the regular lights + green arrow for L turn so i assume you can also make a L turn under "normal" green light and the green L turn arrow are just there for the extended period for turning L ( when no traffic going strait have a green light )

BTW still baffle me how they are going to run trains up and down that incline ahead, to my knowledge it is past the general 3 percent incline limit, not least if we should be so lucky to get a little snow in the winter time again.
And what happen if terrorists put a little oil on the tracks there ?