Pics that make you smile

@kamkar1 I've got a "family" situation this year which split us up at Thanksgiving and is going to do the same at Christmas. That's never happened before and would have never even been considered, but is being caused by one individual who has made serious mistakes in life. The arrangements have already been made and I'll visit both "sides" but when this year is over I'm telling them all "Never again- we're all together next time round or I'm done with family gatherings as I'm not going to have a split-up family". I'm hoping the intervening year will see things settled enough to do that. Or maybe I'll host my own gatherings here next year and whoever pleases may come. Maybe you can do that yourself this year- your sister certainly needs the support right now. It doesn't have to be a huge festival, just enough to show those you love that you care about them which is the important part anyway.

Yeah @SawMaster i will just have to be there for my sister, regarding the kid i dont really know, she clearly have issues ( have torn apart my sisters apartment a few times lately for no apparent reason )
Im hoping social services can do something for her, but her mother are worn out now and the kids father couldn't care less.
I have told my sister she now need to focus on her self, she have been very miserable for the past year or two, and really i cant see what more she can do alone as a parent.
Regarding the parasite company the kid keep, well then i cant do much as i no longer hold any leverage in such groupings, so anything i could do would just be things that will make myself feel better but would end up in a right old mess anyhow, as people like that only understand one thing.
I have long ago told all my sisters kids that if they want to talk about anything i will be there for them, and what ever they tell me will remain with me, but is seem like they all only need practical help like when they move and such.
Okay Uncle might not me the big moving man he use to be, but electrics and so he still can handle, and any holes need drilling and things need to be hung he have the tools for that.

I also have some issued with other family, but not really people i / we see for gatherings, but quite a few where i have issues with their behavior towards my mother, that like with her own family have always been there for her family too, when her mother was on the end and needed help it was also my mother that alone took care of her the last years.
But now that my mother are on her end, it is just her kids that will be there for her, in spite of what she have dome for all of them over the past decades,,,,,, and thats quite a lot if you ask me, all the way back to when her little brother was junking it out, to what ever issues all her other siblings may have had.
Sometimes all that we can do is stand strong and silent when they words we would say aren't going to make things any better. I've spoken with most of my own family privately voicing my concerns but that hasn't accomplished much. They've made their choices and all I can do for now is sit back and let things happen. If time brings a better understanding then there's hope, but if I have to make my ultimatum I'm the one who will suffer the most unless something does get better before then. These people are all I've got in this world and I don't want to lose any of them. But it's not something I can do anything about directly. I'm almost hoping the one who screwed up finishes the path they were on so the thing which divides us then will disappear because right now I can see no other way out of the mess. But I don't want them to fail and suffer either, so I'm stuck, and all I can do right now is hope this crap is over with soon with nobody getting further hurt. It really sucks. Were the problem child honorable I'd hand them a gun and one cartridge so they could do the honorable thing and end everyone else's suffering but I know them well enough to know they wouldn't do that. Before I saw my family hurt I would do it myself, but it ain't me. And that's what makes it so bad.
After my last phone interview (with the VP of IT) on December 10, I wasn't feeling that great, as I wasn't able to answer all of his technical questions completely, and especially with how non-committal he sounded at the end of the call (though that part makes sense since he can't commit to anything on the phone). And then I hadn't heard anything from them since, so I was starting to think they'd passed on me, especially since the position is still posted on their site. But then last night i got this:


So... Cautiously optimistic?
I got everything thats cross able crossed for you M8 (y)
After my last phone interview (with the VP of IT) on December 10, I wasn't feeling that great, as I wasn't able to answer all of his technical questions completely, and especially with how non-committal he sounded at the end of the call (though that part makes sense since he can't commit to anything on the phone). And then I hadn't heard anything from them since, so I was starting to think they'd passed on me, especially since the position is still posted on their site. But then last night i got this:

View attachment 43723

So... Cautiously optimistic?
I read that as meaning that we may soon all 'know' someone who is almost famous. :D

Let's hope I'm reading it right and the offer is/will be for a bit more than minimum wage.
Definitely will be a improvement.(y)(y)(y)

I read that as meaning that we may soon all 'know' someone who is almost famous. :D

Let's hope I'm reading it right and the offer is/will be for a bit more than minimum wage.
After my last phone interview (with the VP of IT) on December 10, I wasn't feeling that great, as I wasn't able to answer all of his technical questions completely, and especially with how non-committal he sounded at the end of the call (though that part makes sense since he can't commit to anything on the phone). And then I hadn't heard anything from them since, so I was starting to think they'd passed on me, especially since the position is still posted on their site. But then last night i got this:

View attachment 43723

So... Cautiously optimistic?
at least they keep you in the loop, some companies you never know what's happening
at least they keep you in the loop, some companies you never know what's happening
i was starting to think that's what had happened. my wife was looking at glassdoor and other sites where people said they went through a bunch of interviews and then were "ghosted" - spacex just left them out to dry with no offer and no further contact. i'm a big kid - i can handle being told no. besides - i was honest with them during the whole process, especially about the answer to "why are you looking to change jobs?" i honestly don't need to, as my current job meets all my needs and is a decent place to work. but... spacex. :D and if i can improve my skillset and work someplace that i'd hopefully really enjoy, especially if i can get more pay in the process? yes please.

and hopefully it'll be nice to move away from the hustle and bustle of Houston. the next biggest town near McGregor is Waco - not tiny at about 136k people, but nowhere near houston's 2.3 million, plus the additional 4 million or so in the houston metro area. we've found some good school districts in the area, and even though houston has a world-renowned medical center, Waco's not bad either, since it has Baylor. and we probably won't live in Waco, but in one of the smaller towns south of there - about halfway between Waco and Austin, so we can have the best of both cities in under an hour's drive. :)

and if they do make an offer, it's not an automatic acceptance from me. the pay has to be significantly better than where i'm at now, and the relocation package needs to be good too - the market has really slowed down here, so it may take a while to sell our house. at least it seems that the base floor plan for our house has gone up 50k in the 2 years since we built our home, so maybe we DONT have to directly compete with new builds in the neighborhood (can sell below their base price even though we have several upgrades above base), and could still make enough on our house to have a good downpayment on the next one.
Christmas here might not pan out this year, my little sister use to do the hosting after my mom was not able.
But as my 16 YO nice are now a fugitive from the law ( yes she are actually wanted by the law ) after she was arrested for being in possession of drugs in a car with well known immigrant gangsters.
And then bailed on her mom and social services as soon as they left the police station yesterday.
Then i don't think my sister can find the strength to host this year, even if she have now given up on her youngest daughter, that are now in the hands of immigrant gangs and her own messed up mind.
And social services have never cared that much about my sisters situation though she tried to get them on board over a year ago.

When it all fail soon, i hope i don't get too emotional and do something really stupid.

Sorry to hear of your troubles, I hope things get better real soon.
After my last phone interview (with the VP of IT) on December 10, I wasn't feeling that great, as I wasn't able to answer all of his technical questions completely, and especially with how non-committal he sounded at the end of the call (though that part makes sense since he can't commit to anything on the phone). And then I hadn't heard anything from them since, so I was starting to think they'd passed on me, especially since the position is still posted on their site. But then last night i got this:

View attachment 43723

So... Cautiously optimistic?

They haven't passed on you by a LONG shot. Those kind of letters are usually only sent out to the top candidates for their open position. I think you are in/at the top of current contenders based on the letter, they don't want you to become disillusioned with the company by not hearing anything, and possibly loosing you to another company, any lower on their list and they wouldn't give a damn.
I'm pulling for you, afterall there has to be a dashcamtalk guy on their team ;):cool:.
They haven't passed on you by a LONG shot. Those kind of letters are usually only sent out to the top candidates for their open position. I think you are in/at the top of current contenders based on the letter, they don't want you to become disillusioned with the company by not hearing anything, and possibly loosing you to another company, any lower on their list and they wouldn't give a damn.
I'm pulling for you, afterall there has to be a dashcamtalk guy on their team ;):cool:.

so i can install dashcams on crew dragon, right? ya know, for safety. i mean, you want to be certain nobody ran a red light and crossed in front of you on orbit or while docking at ISS... the only other people who can launch to ISS right now are the russians. and in the dashcam world, they already have quite a rep. :D (yes i know Boeing is also about to launch their crew capsule, starliner - i'm a non-partisan space geek)

while it would be cool, i doubt I'd ever be touching flight hardware, though i would probably be working in close proximity of it now and then. during my tour of the facility, i was able to walk right up to an interstage and peek inside, and walked alongside a falcon heavy side booster laying on its side, getting ready to be shipped to the cape. i wanted to take SO many pictures, but wasn't allowed, and i'm pretty sure i still wouldn't be able to take pics after being hired (outside of internal use of course).
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