Pics that make you smile

so i can install dashcams on crew dragon, right? ya know, for safety. i mean, you want to be certain nobody ran a red light and crossed in front of you on orbit or while docking at ISS... the only other people who can launch to ISS right now are the russians. and in the dashcam world, they already have quite a rep. :D (yes i know Boeing is also about to launch their crew capsule, starliner - i'm a non-partisan space geek)

while it would be cool, i doubt I'd ever be touching flight hardware, though i would probably be working in close proximity of it now and then. during my tour of the facility, i was able to walk right up to an interstage and peek inside, and walked alongside a falcon heavy side booster laying on its side, getting ready to be shipped to the cape. i wanted to take SO many pictures, but wasn't allowed, and i'm pretty sure i still wouldn't be able to take pics after being hired (outside of internal use of course).

Close proximity....... Hell if you got any closer you could throw a saddle on and ride the thing (not recommended) LOLAL! At least you are getting the chance to be up close and personal with them, that in itself is a lifetime memory!
so i can install dashcams on crew dragon, right? ya know, for safety. i mean, you want to be certain nobody ran a red light and crossed in front of you on orbit or while docking at ISS... the only other people who can launch to ISS right now are the russians. and in the dashcam world, they already have quite a rep. :D (yes i know Boeing is also about to launch their crew capsule, starliner - i'm a non-partisan space geek)

while it would be cool, i doubt I'd ever be touching flight hardware, though i would probably be working in close proximity of it now and then. during my tour of the facility, i was able to walk right up to an interstage and peek inside, and walked alongside a falcon heavy side booster laying on its side, getting ready to be shipped to the cape. i wanted to take SO many pictures, but wasn't allowed, and i'm pretty sure i still wouldn't be able to take pics after being hired (outside of internal use of course).

Not dash cams exactly but SpaceX (and NASA) already have a history of using GoPro cams on their rockets and elsewhere.

A GoPro inside a fairing from a 2015 Falcon 9 flight captured some spectacular views as it fell back to Earth.


Wait, no rocket nose cone?! Do you wanna' job at SpaceX or not?!! :smuggrin:

View attachment 43763
That's a fairing. :p

Besides, that's not my ice cream store. :D

And these pictures from the south Texas site definitely make me smile:


I finally got on Twitter, to be able to follow some IT guys, and a bunch of space guys including Elon. And further down this thread, Elon claims they'll be testing the BFR Hopper as early as March/April 2019.
That's a fairing. :p

Besides, that's not my ice cream store. :D

And these pictures from the south Texas site definitely make me smile:

View attachment 43764

I finally got on Twitter, to be able to follow some IT guys, and a bunch of space guys including Elon. And further down this thread, Elon claims they'll be testing the BFR Hopper as early as March/April 2019.

Wikipedia: "A payload fairing is a nose cone used to protect a spacecraft (launch vehicle payload)".

I too like to follow Musk's Twitter feed. Always interesting reading. Recent amusing posts about people waking up to find a new app installed in their Teslas called "Emissions Testing Mode" that allows the driver to choose from six different fart noises operated via the steering wheel or turn signal. :D
My sled record are around 100 km/h, towed behind a land rover,,,, and yes i did wear my helmet.
Sadly no footage though this was only back in 2005 or so.

It could have been faster ig it wasent for the bravery of the land rover owner, and this was actually on pretty narrow dirt roads with a foot or two of snow on them.
Personally i dident see nothing as i was inside a blizzard though i was some 10 - 15 M behind the car, but a plastic bob sleigh ride pretty low in powder,,,, even if i wasent this fat SOB i am now.
I am looking forward to when "BO" Launch a New Glenn, BFR also look to be a nice vehicle though its specs seem to change every year,,,, i would not mind a ride on one of those suckers as i cant go back and ride the Atlas 5
I am looking forward to when "BO" Launch a New Glenn, BFR also look to be a nice vehicle though its specs seem to change every year,,,, i would not mind a ride on one of those suckers as i cant go back and ride the Atlas 5
My take on it is that most rocket plans change regularly till you get to a final design, it's just that SpaceX is a lot more open about what they're doing compared to most other companies. I mean what other company would so publicly proclaim their failures like this?

Yes, they learned important stuff from every failure, but I can't imagine Boeing or any other big aerospace company making a video like that.