Pics that make you smile

For relatives i can see it being a big thing, my relatives never knew i was a pothead that messed around with other things too.
On a personal level i just say like Nike " just do it" and stop.
The commercials for stop smoke patches / inhalers and what not PO me so much, ATM one is running saying only 4% of people wanting to quit smoking do so on shear will.
Thats pretty weak in my mind, and just affirm my thoughts about other people being weak ass pussies.

I just promised myself " this is the last cigarette" and " this is the last joint" ASO, works fine for me cuz i will go thru hell and high water to keep a promise.

Sure it wasent fun in the first days, but anything worth fighting over are rarely fun.
The commercials for stop smoke patches / inhalers and what not PO me so much, ATM one is running saying only 4% of people wanting to quit smoking do so on shear will.

I understand why people can't quit smoking, what I don't understand is why they started in the first place
yeah blow my mind too, i can vivid recall the first time i inhaled and how god awful sick i became :rolleyes: clearly one the most stupid things a person / child / teen can start doing.
I think i once saw a TV program listing nicotine in the same class as Heroine in regard to getting people addicted and keep them there.

Proud Parent
Smoking was "cool" when I was young and the adverse effects weren't as clearly linked as they are now. And according to the many I've met in recovery, it is harder to stop smoking than it is to stop using heroin. It was a bad mistake I made starting and I do what I can to discourage others from starting/continuing it.

I remember not that long ago when 4000 HP was it in top fuel,,,,,, that is loooong gone now :cool:

I have never heard / seen a top fuel car, only a funny car.

I like ATV drag racing.
You can only estimate the horsepower of a top fuel drag race engine- no dyno's are made which can handle that level of power nor will the engine withstand running wide open for long enough to test it directly. I don't know about today, but ten years ago the best estimates were around 7000 HP or maybe more. I was a drag racing fan back when they smoked the tires for a full quarter mile and when 1000 HP was barely reached by the few. The cars are so fast now they run 1000 Ft instead of a quarter mile so they can get them stopped in time. 0-100MPH in 0.8 seconds and 335 MPH in 3.64 seconds. These speeds and times are not as fast as it is possible to go; rules restrict many things which could be done to better effect, so if someone really tried you could probably go well over 350 MPH in 3 seconds.

And you thought a Turbo Carrera was quick :LOL: :ROFLMAO: :p

Jeffery is or is it was now, one nasty cookie.
And that apartment, add a computer table and you pretty much have the room i sit in right now.

Jokiins post made me think of this classic.
