Pics that make you smile

Hehe i had a feeling it was DEF CON, i don't think the NSA are that frivolous.
I remember seeing Texas chainsaw massacre when i was a kid, that night i walked home on the middle of the street, no way in hell was i to walk on a sidewalk right next to bushes and what not.

And i am pretty sure that if someone started up a chainsaw as i walked by i would have soiled myself as i set off running.
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Dont scare me as such, just a bit freaky what some people will do for "fun"
Gacy where indeed another level of creepy, always wondered in the birthday clown industry took a dive becuz of him.
Dahmer was working at a chocolate factory in Wisconsin at the time of his arrest. At that time I worked for a company that transported tankers of melted chocolate from them, or delivered other food grade liguids to.
I knew of the company, but didn't have the pleasure to pick up a load there, or eat in the employee lunchroom.
Ok so this is a SLIGHT run-on sentence but I just had to share...


When I was about 4 or 5 (not sure) I took a mouth harp from the local dime store, but it bothered me so much that I went to my father and told him what I had done. He drove me back to the store, parked out front and told me to go in and tell the store owner what I had done and was sorry. He said he liked the fact that I had the courage to come back and tell him what I did, and told me to just keep the harp! I said NO SIR, shoved it in his hand and went back to the car, father never said a thing just had this weird smile on his face all the way home. To this day I have never taken anything else, and never will!
I dident have motivation like that in school, and if i had then i am sure it would not have changed the end result i feel.
Our teachers was a nightmare, my English teacher i swear her breath i imagine was equal to diving into a well used field latrine.