Pics that make you smile

Hehe :)

If you merry something, make sure it come unarmed and with a foolproof screw in detonator, you don't want a timer that been buried in the ground since 1944 that can suddenly start ticking for no apparent reason.
At least so i am told.
Hehe :)

If you merry something, make sure it come unarmed and with a foolproof screw in detonator, you don't want a timer that been buried in the ground since 1944 that can suddenly start ticking for no apparent reason.
At least so i am told.
When we were dating, we came back to my place, and one of my roommates had left his big old Dirty Harry revolver on the kitchen table. I picked it up without hesitation, with my thumb pushing the hammer up and finger across the trigger guard for safety, and had it pointed at the floor as well... I was trying to open the cylinder (the revolver section that actually holds the bullets) to make it 100% safe, but I forgot that you have to pull the hammer back a little too allow it to swing open once you move the release. Meanwhile, she's freaking out, telling me to put it down before someone gets killed. You would have thought I had picked up a grenade and pulled the pin and was playing with the spoon. Granted, we'd been dating less than a year at that point, and while she knew I'd used guns before, that was the first time she ever saw one in my hand.

Now that I've taught her basic gun safety, and what it takes for one to actually fire, and thus how to make one safe, she's not quite as afraid of them and has actually fired several different hand guns without screaming or closing her eyes and looking away. ;)
A classmate of min had a life sized model of a Colt Dragoon, pretty hefty gun at least for little skinny me.
Not sure how it compare to the S&W Model 29,,,,, which must be a dream gun to squeeze a few off in, at least for movie buffs.
But the Model 29 have not been made for a while now, so i can make do with a newer Ruger or something.
Suddenly i am thinking of the Big Band theory episode where Leonard shoot himself in the foot, i hope my dream US tour will not end like that.

BTW i saw somewhere in Las veges you can pay to squeeze of a few 100 rounds in a M134,,,,,,, at a indoor range. :cool: that's on my bucket list.
Though i do think its just blanks, though here i have only seen those in red plastic.
Websites that complain about ad blockers are lazy. Truthfully any site that sought out advertisers and embedded ads in its own site would be unaffected by ad blockers. As blockers mostly block evil google ads which are designed to intimidate, harass, and irritate web users. I use ad blockers as a way to eliminate my support for google. The jpeg ads of the 90's never needed to be blocked.

Whenever sites ask me for an email I always give a fake one. Good luck sending to this email--> The email address is self explanatory to any admin who sees it.

I use the pop-up blocker in Firefox and selective location blocking with sites where I want more than only local coverage. Otherwise I don't have much of a problem ignoring the ads as long as they are not 'flashing' or obscuring the content I want to see. From my perspective if they keep site access free to me then I can put up with them ;) I will NOT pay for access to any site online :mad:

I'm an occasional moderator on a friends small website and there I've noticed that most younger folks can't seem to understand that "ignoring" isn't a process of clicking on a button, but something done mentally. Many of them cannot seem to actually ignore ads, posts, and people they would rather not see as they constantly get into trouble from being drawn into crap they could have and should have easily ignored and avoided, but didn't. It actually scares me that so many are like that, unable to control even their own minds :eek: In 20 years they're going to be running the world and I'm thankful I probably won't be around for that :cool:

Wonder if Tom Brady will be doing that tonight :giggle:

/me 1966, first super bowl 1967.
:( I have no idea if it is any good

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Typical movie/TV studios... Blocking content at random, not making it available otherwise, then complaining when people "pirate" it.

And how exactly do you pirate something that was made available FOR FREE anyway???
Seem like NFL are in problems, They also been the butt of the joke in a few South Park episodes.
And i can relate, F1 was killed for me a long time ago.
Way too many money in Sports, and it is ruining them.
Are the trick a Ford ? that would explain a lot :giggle:
Once in my very misspent youth I almost stepped out of a car to jog alongside of it just for fun since I was going so slow. As I started to pull the door handle I glanced at the speedometer- 50MPH :eek: I very carefully drove straight home and never did that flavor of drug again. I was a daily nominee for Mr. Darwin's awards back then and I'm lucky that it didn't go further. No more of that nonsense ever again :cool:

I guess since it's been 35 years, I can tell this story.

I was working for a property management company in a major city, that managed multiple high rise buildings in the city. My job was to sit all night, watching the security/alarm consoles, and TV, (Mostly TV) Not much happened at night, there were no computer monitors, just lights, buzzers, radios, and phones.
(The job payed VERY well, and I could go to school during the day, study at work, etc.)

One of the maintenance guys was a buddy, crazy nam vet, a bit too much into substance abuse.

One night he informed me he had some killer weed,and if I could figure out a way to leave my work area, we'd sneak out to the loading dock area and smoke it
The solution was kind of a meeting of the mindless. I was half-asleep, he was half 'lit'.

Somehow we decided that we'd get a rubber band and pen, and use the rubber band to hold the pen down on the push to talk button on my walkie talkie, leave it near the monitoring console, so we could go to a remote area to smoke, and hear any buzzers or phones ringing in the office.

The problem was, the radios were all on one network. so every other maintenance and security guy on duty for that company at 0300 could hear us.

We had to mess with the radio a bit, make sure it was working, and I'm sure we were discussing what we were up to.

There should have been 15-20 people awake and able to hear us at that time of the day. Not sure who was sleeping, or who was dumbfounded or discrete, but I didn't get fired until a few months later for some other incident.
