Pics that make you smile

A guy on the tech program on national tv tried to fake ( for the fun ) the prime ministers new year speech to the nation, and it wasent that long ago, the tech he used did not do that well.
A guy on the tech program on national tv tried to fake ( for the fun ) the prime ministers new year speech to the nation, and it wasent that long ago, the tech he used did not do that well.

speech is even easier, it's a worry

it's a problem when real news gets passed off as fake news already, someone could easily release something like this to back up, or debunk any story they liked
Can't disagree with that at all. Unfortunately the bad guys are always a little bit ahead of the good guys.
Soon we will see new movies with Maye West - Marilyn Monroe ASO, as long as they are not patented i recon.
It is fortunate,,,, and tremendous sad, that even before this you cant really trust news, technology and the internet will make people more ignorant.
Is there a hidden message in barbed wire?

Arc welding, some make it look easy. :)
Yeah it sure wasent a looker, i also think they stopped making it.
It is tremendous piratical as you can throw just about anything in it and move it.
I only partly agree with the people that say a car define what kind of person the owner / driver are, this to me misconception are why i say it take a big man to drive a small car.

Still you can have a little fun.
