Pics that make you smile

Funny facts about a cycling nation.
Danes like to push pedals, and Danes get their bicycles stolen a lot, actually one are stolen every 7 minutes 24/7/365.
And only 1 in 100 stolen bicycler are ever returned to its owner.
Personally i have owned quite a few bicycles too, and all aside for one was stolen in the end, my first 10 speed race bike was stolen after only 3 months.
The one bike of mine that was not stolen, well it was flatted under a semi truck trying to kill me making a right turn in front of me at a intersection.
Luckily when i was a kid / young i was pretty fast on my feet and otherwise.

Speaking of cycling, in the recent fleche wallone cycling spring classic a Dane on the #3 spot in the women's race, and a Dane in the #2 spot in the men's race.
Jacob Fuglsang seem on fire,, hope he can better that in this years TDF
Thankfully i don't retain much of the monkey genome or whatever it is that make some people hairy, so i don't have much body hair, on my chest i have like 5, and its not like it grow on the back instead.
And after having been watching internet videos i am not going to get waxed anywhere.
I do need a haircut, but id like to get into next month before i get that done.
Good grief, that makes you a bald monkey, comb the 5 across your chest, fools people all the time, trust me:cool:.

I've been watching those forensic shows on Amazon Prime, it's amazing how many women kill with Arsenic. One woman after 2 months of marrying a guy, poisoned him slowly for a month or more till he died, when asked why, she said he had taken out a large insurance policy, and she wanted the money more then him!! Nothing says loving like arsenic in the oven!
Good grief
I have been thinking about a comb over as thats also how i deal with my hair on the head when it is long enough to require a comb :)

I have just seen a interesting TV program about münchhausen syndrome by proxy, which are a rare phenomena where usually the mother either lie about her child being sick or actually make it sick in some way.
The main case in the program the first child died of its mysterious decrease, and when child #2 displayed same symptoms someone finally caught on, and so police put a hidden camera in the nursing room on the hospital.
And sure enough the mother was suffocating her child with a plastic bag over its head.

Good or bad, the human mind never cease to amaze me.
I have been thinking about a comb over as thats also how i deal with my hair on the head when it is long enough to require a comb :)

I have just seen a interesting TV program about münchhausen syndrome by proxy, which are a rare phenomena where usually the mother either lie about her child being sick or actually make it sick in some way.
The main case in the program the first child died of its mysterious decrease, and when child #2 displayed same symptoms someone finally caught on, and so police put a hidden camera in the nursing room on the hospital.
And sure enough the mother was suffocating her child with a plastic bag over its head.

Good or bad, the human mind never cease to amaze me.

It is really hard for me to understand people like that, in those forensic shows their was a woman nurse that was killing baby's not one or two but lots, finally after transferring to her third hospital someone stopped and said/thought what's going on here, then they caught her, unbelievable!

My brother was like your 2nd example, when we were in his car I just couldn't take my eyes off his gas guage, he would wait till the thing stopped bouncing on empty then stop for gas. Worried me so darn bad I wouldn't go with him any more unless he put gas in it!
Once he kept waiting and waiting till I was a total wreck then he pulled in to a gas station/pump, the car gave out two grunts and quit, I got out and walked home, he thought it was funny! It wasn't just me either, everyone complained about him:mad:.
Well here its sort of natural, after cutbacks on the healthcare system for decades our once top of the world hospitals are decimated to institutions where every run between doing something good and making pie charts.
And both surgeons and nurses alike are quitting their jobs.
Right now they are testing a American made IT system, and probably going to implement it, and its so bad even in the US they had to hire people to just enter info into that system as nurses and doctors sure as hell don't have the time for it,,,,, and the meaning was it was supposed to instigate savings here.
They also just publicized a piece of paper saying in the past year 7 people have been killed, by mentally sick people the system really should have taken care off, and sadly here you can not sue anyone for neglect on that level, and thats just one things wrong with my country.

No problem with gas in my car when i was young, the problem was how i was driving, so i pretty much always had my car for myself.
Why i don't know i never wrecked a car of mine or caused people to get hurt, but i figure people felt i was just about to the whole time
My brother was like your 2nd example, when we were in his car I just couldn't take my eyes off his gas guage, he would wait till the thing stopped bouncing on empty then stop for gas. Worried me so darn bad I wouldn't go with him any more unless he put gas in it!
Once he kept waiting and waiting till I was a total wreck then he pulled in to a gas station/pump, the car gave out two grunts and quit, I got out and walked home, he thought it was funny! It wasn't just me either, everyone complained about him:mad:.

And you cannot divorce him too.:sick:
My brother was like your 2nd example, when we were in his car I just couldn't take my eyes off his gas guage, he would wait till the thing stopped bouncing on empty then stop for gas. Worried me so darn bad I wouldn't go with him any more unless he put gas in it!
Once he kept waiting and waiting till I was a total wreck then he pulled in to a gas station/pump, the car gave out two grunts and quit, I got out and walked home, he thought it was funny! It wasn't just me either, everyone complained about him:mad:.
And I bet he thought it was hilarious every time!

I've only ever run out of gas once. I was in the fast lane of the freeway, passing people when it cut out, and nobody would let me over to the right so I ended up running someone off the road to get to the shoulder (barrier wall on the left so that wasn't an option). I just barely coasted to the exit then when I made it to the light, it started up again just long enough to get rolling about 10 mph and then coast into a gas station. If I hadn't already been late for work I would have just stopped to get gas on the way, but I tried pushing it and learned my lesson.

Can't wait till I can afford an electric car, so I can charge at home and have a full "tank" every morning.