Pics that make you smile

I don't own any TV or monitor to experience 4K video, much less 8K.

Sorry @efoo I meant to reply to your post sooner. I don't have a 4K monitor either but you don't need a super high resolution monitor to enjoy the video I posted. On YouTube, just select the resolution that matches your current monitor using the little gear icon at the bottom right hand corner of the window. The video will still look pretty impressive.

I default to 4K on youtube, but my monitor are just 1080p

Funny thing that video in 8K run fine on my computer, but 4K footage uploaded by mere mortal people often pause and buffer, and then youtube have the audacity to suggest i might have a problem with my connection, and every time i have checked that and i never have a problem.
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Never looked at it that way.

Turn it over and it's Jeeq. Eh... Close enough
Sorry @efoo I meant to reply to your post sooner. I don't have a 4K monitor either but you don't need a super high resolution monitor to enjoy the video I posted. On YouTube, just select the resolution that matches your current monitor using the little gear icon at the bottom right hand corner of the window. The video will still look pretty impressive.

View attachment 46653
Haha thanks. I already know how to choose the different video resolutions on YouTube. I was just saying to fully enjoy the 8K glory, it's best to watch on an 8K display. Otherwise me watching that video on 1080p monitor, the video might as well shot in 1080p.
I think " you drink milk from a cup "
Haha thanks. I already know how to choose the different video resolutions on YouTube. I was just saying to fully enjoy the 8K glory, it's best to watch on an 8K display. Otherwise me watching that video on 1080p monitor, the video might as well shot in 1080p.

I suppose the best thing then would be for you to not watch the video at all. :bag::oldman:
Yeah that new MAC stuff :eek:
And really anyone injecting that much,,,,,whatever, should be bloody thrown into jail.
A friend from my childhood had one finger like that, after he got it in a chain/sprocket on a moped.
I am more fortunate with my one finger, the original nail are still there, but are not moved a few mm back and the finger only 5 mm shorter.