Pics that make you smile

There is one problem with Boston Dynamic, and that is it is not a Danish company :)
I think it is a thing for all ages, you really have to be careful with the " back in the day" comments on some things, or as shown be prepared for a sharp retort.

I have just eaten enough pizza to drive my car down the street, to burn it myself i have to walk 21 miles,,,,,, thats not fair, and so much for the human body being a finely honed machine.
The Metric flu strike again :D
Changing ISP again.
A while back i changed to one called Hiper to get out from yousee that are a evil company, then yousee swallowed up Hiper a month or two later and i was back to supporting a evil company.
Now a new ISP have popped up offering me 1000/100 instead of the 1000/60 i have now, and its about 9 USD cheaper every month :cool:
I just hope they have the option to get more upload 1000/500 mbit for the same i pay now for 1000/60 sound good in my ears.

Just waiting for some answers to my mail then i hit up the change ISP button. ( Button pressed new ISP in 1 month )

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The pic about gasoline having enough calories for 34-56.5 years is nonsense -- a 'food calorie' is actually 1000 calories or a kilocalorie so divide there numbers by 1000.


yes, we need 1.5 to 2 million calories per day, but the finishing statement is still true though - if you chug a gallon or 4L of gasoline (and somehow keep it down), you won't need to eat for the rest of your life. :P

Changing ISP again.
A while back i changed to one called Hiper to get out from yousee that are a evil company, then yousee swallowed up Hiper a month or two later and i was back to supporting a evil company.
Now a new ISP have popped up offering me 1000/100 instead of the 1000/60 i have now, and its about 9 USD cheaper every month :cool:
I just hope they have the option to get more upload 1000/500 mbit for the same i pay now for 1000/60 sound good in my ears.

Just waiting for some answers to my mail then i hit up the change ISP button.

Vote with your wallet to make the world a better place.

i wish that were an option here. in most of the US, you only have one ISP available to choose from. if you actually have more than one ISP available, then your 2nd choice is usually barely faster than dialup in most cases. i pay for 100/5 here. i could pay for as much as 250/25 but it's not worth 300USD/mo to me. as it is i pay 130/mo. thankfully, this suits my needs, including streaming 4k video now and then.


upload speeds are intentionally neutered by ISPs here. to find a symmetrical ISP is practically unheard of outside a municipal (city-owned) ISP, or maybe a rare fiber to the premises rollout.
Yeah it seem to me when it come to internet the US are close to a 3 world country.
Hell a country like Estonia that not that long ago was a downtrodden province of a communist regime, well they have invested heavy in digital infrastructure, they even get 5G before we Danes get it, but i am not sure if they will be getting more than one 5G grid where we Danes will get 2 competing grids.
They are also heavy digitized, and it would seem not as incompetent implemented as is the norm here in Denmark.
Vote with your wallet to make the world a better place.

Just got off phone with current ISP to cancel my deal with them, they was like well we can match their price and grantee it where those other guys will probably up the price in no time, and then if you return to us later on it will be more expensive than what you pay now.
And i was like STFU and say you you have understood i want to cancel our agreement so i can get on my new ISP from July 18

I dident even want to argue " so you say with their price they will not make money on me" but you will match it you say and so also not make money on me,,,,,,, LOL
Threats like that just make me even more determined, cuz i have always seen threats as infantile, i never make threads i make promises, and i keep those as otherwise i would just be a animal at best.
No i don't think Danish are such a bad language, if you want to have fun try the bushman click language ( quosi i think its called )
As i self taught in Linguistics i find Dutch and Finnish hard to emulate, you need a good deal of flem and throat sounds to master the Dutch language, much more so than the bushman that for throat sounds more or less just have the click that are hard to master and i pretty much think with that in their language they cant rally yell.
I saw on TV they found a savant, so to challenge him they gave him 1 weeks to learn Icelandic, and to my amazement and the Icelandic journalists he did pretty damn good.
As the teacher explain in the start of the video, icelandic have sounds in their language, that for a outsider can best be explained as serious attempts to suppress a sneeze, very nasal language where to me Dutch are a more throaty language.

And these 2 guys just murder it, i am keeping my mouth firmly shut if i get in their company, cuz they speak a lot of languages i only speak a few and then know some a little.

But i am told Danish are also hard to learn, not so much from pronunciation, but more understanding as we have words that can mean several often totally unrelated things.
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As a decades long pick-up truck driver I've been really excited to hear about the Tesla pick-up that "may" actually be announced fairly soon. The torque of four wheel drive electric motors should offer amazing off road performance combined with cool styling and amazing features. If I can knock off just a couple more convenience stores before the Tesla pick-up is introduced I'll be able to buy one! :smuggrin:

I'm also a fan of Simone Giertz and enjoy checking out her YouTube channel now and then. If you don't know who she is, she's a cute, spunky, highly creative and very funny girl currently recovering from removal of a brain tumor whose antics and projects are always quite entertaining.

Anyway, it turns out that she too is excited about the upcoming Tesla pick-up, so much so that she's really outdone herself this time with the creation of the TRUCKLA pick-up, a DIY project made from a brand new Model 3. She had help from some interesting and talented friends including Rich from "
Rich Rebuilds".

This video runs 31 minutes but if you find this kind of thing interesting, it's a well spent 31 minutes indeed. (as is the faux Truckla pickup commercial below).

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I do pray that trailer was empty at the time, cuz that right there is one SOB rear ending.