Pics that make you smile

I liked my one tattoo, but i got it when it was a subculture about 35 years ago, now that it is trendy i am thinking about getting it removed if i had money to burn,,,, literally.
So in that regard i am glad i wasted my money on a lot of other stupid stuff in the years that followed, so some times there are a bright light in a sea of darkness.
Australia caught between the 3 rock from the sun, and a hot place. :)
So Australia is on either planet Venus or Mercury.
The Danish flag have birthday this weekend, reached the age of 800 years.
Maybe it fell from that cloud server or a similar one, according to legend it did fall from the sky during a battle in what is now Estonia as i recall.
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Capital of Estonia is Tallinn, which is "translated" as Tal-linn = Tal / Taani (Danish), Linn = City. Danish City.
Very Simple ;)
Too many Viking has "visited" Estonia in the past (Danes, Swedes, etc.), the result is the mixture of cultures which is in some way a positive thing, at least from girls/women's perspective :)
well really by now i am not surprised.

Hehe i see a pope haven't passed by that statue. :)

If i am not mistaking that there is Michelangelos David ;)

You will find this monument for Pope Pius 7 in the Church of Peter in Rome, made by the Danish sculptor Berthel Thorvalsen.


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intent was A okay, delivery less than optimal.