Pics that make you smile


Old gold
We Danes cant really have cool displays as i think 8" shells are the largest allowed here, and in a big display 8" is what form up the bottom layers and intermissions.
And for private use it have been all garbage since a fireworks factory / storage intelligently placed in the middle of a residential neighborhood went up in smoke.

Probably one of the largest premature ejections ever. :p
That was a great, but no doubt very expensive 35 seconds!


In 2012 the City of San Diego accidentally set off their ENTIRE July 4th fireworks display all at once! :eek::joyful:

With the right swivel mount, a full clip, and right location, and even at 65 USD a pop, i will gladly live the rest of my life in a cardboard box. ( don't ask for location )
Though i do think i will be earning far more luxurious accommodations than a cardboard box.

I think she could sell any kind of liquid, and find buyers for it :giggle:
Well first one, you do have to know a little, airheads will be lost.