Pics that make you smile

You should not test that safety feature on a table saw, it are much better to rely on good old know-how.
You should not test that safety feature on a table saw, it are much better to rely on good old know-how.

I personally agree but this gadget actually works every bit as well as they claim it does. I recommend it even if I don't use it myself ;)

Yeah i saw someone test it with a sausage, worked just fine and saw hit the brake, but it is not something one should be a smart ass and rely on, that will eventually end in grief.
Couldn't that be considered a armed assault ?
Or attempted arson,,, either way it could turn very nasty i recon, here it would result in a call to the police and them saying we dont have time for things like that.

Actually one favorite old Danish movie called " the neighbors" have them using fireworks, and just noticed the movie are as old as i am.

WTF level 9000.

I cant even make my little red car more powerful this way, cuz thats illegal too here :sneaky:

You better have all your bases covered, or things happen :)
When you have sold enough dashcams.

Some times there are such a thing as too fast.

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Often i feel pretty stupid when i whine about things.
Also just learned India had the biggest ever electrical blackouts in 2012, with several 100 million people with no light,,,,, so NYC should not complain when a block or two loose power.