Pics that make you smile

Gin & Tequila have never been my thing.
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Waiting for those 8K movies to start streaming / getting what i pay ( 37.5 USD ) for.

**** ! Literally i think :vomit:
I should not have eaten the nectarines i got earlier in the day, or at least cleaned them better, which i dont think i can with my means.
freezing / shaking and my icon above will probably come true before midnight.
Me after having been eating bad ( Italian )nectarines, intense headache and sick to my stomach and within the past hour sweating at a level i have not experienced since i worked a ship engine room on equator.
30 minutes and my long sleeved shirt are soaked thru., sweat just pouring down my face and chest / back.
But at least lots of pills have sort of dispensed of headache and sickness, so have not hurled as i expected to do before midnight.

Regarding breast feeding mothers :rolleyes: WTH is wrong with the world, even the most natural thing in the world are now frowned upon.
These people better not get in a time machine and travel back to a Danish beach in the summer time in the mid / late 80ties, cuz it was thongs and boobies all over the place back then, and no one of course cared, us boys actually enjoyed it and poked many a hole in the sand / beach towel back then.

And 2 kids just did a opioid overdose here this weekend, second pair this year.
Apparently kids as young as 13 dont know how to deal with all kinds of pressure, so kids just cram in what ever they can get their hands on, the poisoning helpline here get about 30 calls a day in this regard.

The world need a case of what ever it is i have right now, sweat it out and get back on the horse.
It was not bad nectarines, turn out i caught myself a case of lyme disease :cautious: am now on custom penicillin eating 3 pills a day.
Me after having been eating bad ( Italian )nectarines, intense headache and sick to my stomach and within the past hour sweating at a level i have not experienced since i worked a ship engine room on equator.
30 minutes and my long sleeved shirt are soaked thru., sweat just pouring down my face and chest / back.
But at least lots of pills have sort of dispensed of headache and sickness, so have not hurled as i expected to do before midnight.

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Good grief Kamkar1 I hope you contacted your poison control center and told them where you purchased them. You look terrible/miserable, you should have gone to the Hospital right away!
Whoops, I just saw your new post (Lyme disease). That is a bad disease, my last doctor quit and went into Lime disease research with a friend of hers.
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Yeah upon looking at my leg the doc said thats either Lyme disease or a staphylococcus infection which are both bad, both need large amounts of penicillin so i now do 1.5 mill units 3 times a day. ( Penicillin V )
Sadly now on day 2 of the pills i have seen no positive or negative change, when i get out of bed or up from my chair as more blood rush down into the leg it feel like someone put a knife into it and then yank up.
So i have to stand there and "enjoy" the pain for a few minutes and then i can hobble around / walk with a slight limp, and then some times when i stop i get a rush of the pain again as i found out today when i was shopping, pretty sure a few in the super marked herd me go " son of a bitch" among other things, not suitet for a English speaking forum as i uttered them in English of course.

A 57 YO guy here just had a tick bite go to his brain as encephalitis, so he are without a doubt in for a much worse ride than i am,,,,,,, at the moment at least.

I did get a full 8 hours of sleep this morning, which was nice cuz since Monday i have only been sleeping a hour or two now and then.

Weather is extremely nice here ATM and all i can do is sit in my apartment and look out the window. :sleep: i had all kinds of plans for visiting my mother and helping my niece with their new house ASO, but everything are on the back burner now.
So no Danish 1 man extreme makeover: home edition for my niece this week :cry:
In the future if Apple make transparent phones, and still have their brand on the bask, then in summer it will litterally be branded onto people.