Pics that make you smile

As my brain like to play with words pizza the hut is what i call family sized pizzas, and i think thats what Americans call "super size me"

A family sized pizza here are 2 X the ones i eat, and as i recall the price are >150 DKkr Vs the 70 - 80 DKkr i pay for the regular sized i order.
You didn't click the link... :p
And Mr. Hankey in south park.

Worlds most powerful E- ferry had its maiden voyage today, again little Denmark blaze the trail :cool:


It only do 22 nautical miles on a charge, but thats fine.

E færge.jpg

The ferry are 60 M long - 12.8 M wide, and tip the scale at 747 tonnes, where the 50 tons are the battery ( 4.3MWH so plenty of parking guard time if they have a bridge cam ) , its route are just shy of 11 nautical miles and the max speed are 15 knots
This slash the CO2 emissions for the ferry route with 50% VS a conventional ferry
How long does it take to charge? Long range Teslas only have 120kwh batteries and that takes at least an hour. I'm sure they'll have some charger infrastructure that can feed the ferry a lot more than a Tesla gets, but that must be practically it's own electrical substation.

I'm not trying to poo on their idea; it's great that they're electrifying stuff. Just genuinely curious what the support infrastructure looks like.
I have not been able to find any charge specs, all i found is the charger connect automatic when the ferry are docked.
I also assume it charge every time it is in port, cuz i could see winter weather meaning the 2 X 1000 BHP engines zap a lot more power, and it also have a couple of bow thrusters.

This is a joint venture between the municipality the local shipyard and EU, and truth be told it should have maiden voyaged in May or something, but something came up.

Take a lot more power to push a ship hull thru dense water, than it take to push a car thru air on low roll resistance tires.

Just found out the batteries are arranged in 2 packs, and made up of a total of 26800 lithium-ion cells of the make LeClanche.

One of the 2 motors.

Charger connection point.

The ferry are supposed to do 5 to 7 runs daily and charge in every port and then fully replenish batteries overnight, so there must be some loss of charge that the port visits dont have time to deal with.
I assume the time in port cant be more than 30 minutes or so for such a little ferry, but i cant recall how long it was for the diesel electric ferries i worked on in the 90ties, but the turn around was pretty fast for the driving passengers, and then we sailors had to swap some 20 - 30 brand new unmanned cars in every port too.

Apparently we have 2 other E ferrys, sailing on the Helsingor ( hamlet town ) to Helsingborg in Sweden, they also have 50 ton batteries ( watercooled )
The 640 batteries on each ferry can be ( fully i assume ) charged in 6 minuted on the DK side and 9 minutes on the S side.
Each crossing eat up 1.175 kWh in those 2 ferries.

BUT ! these are Hybrid not 100 % electric ferries,, but much larger than Ellen above.

Maybe thats why Trump come to Denmark soon, to steal our green thunder.

In the #2 video at the 1:20 mark you see one of the ferries i worked on, they was moved when out route closed to that route over there, we was offered to move with the ferries but i am not going near that part of my country unless i am in a Leopard 2 tank and coming to make big changes.
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Kitty are playing with what i assume are fire to cats judging by the way they react to it when they fall in. :D
If you have young kids and you worry about when they get a little older, dont worry too much, Danish scientists just did very successful trial of a Chlamydia vaccine. :whistle:
But still some years before you will be able to get that shot.
He he then it is fortunate for him he dont care much about the agreements and deals struck by people in the past, but the sale of our caribbean islands to the US for a little gold and a cheast full of glass pearls, was stipulated by the US must acknowledge and support the Danish claim to Greenland.

If anything he can clean up the mess around the 2 US bases up there, ranging from crashed B52 with hydrogen bomb, to whatever.

180 million ( DKKr ) have just been put aside to clean up after US WW2 bases on Greenland.
And there is the little matter of the abandoned mobile Nuclear PM-2A reactor at Camp Century, thats just left there under the ice when that base was abandoned in 1966

So i think Trump better be very careful about what he say, or the US could loose a small but very good and kind friend.
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He he then it is fortunate for him he dont care much about the agreements and deals struck by people in the past, but the sale of our caribbean islands to the US for a little gold and a cheast full of glass pearls, was stipulated by the US must acknowledge and support the Danish claim to Greenland.

If anything he can clean up the mess around the 2 US bases up there, ranging from crashed B52 with hydrogen bomb, to whatever.

180 million ( DKKr ) have just been put aside to clean up after US WW2 bases on Greenland.
And there is the little matter of the abandoned mobile Nuclear PM-2A reactor at Camp Century, thats just left there under the ice when that base was abandoned in 1966

So i think Trump better be very careful about what he say, or the US could loose a small but very good and kind friend.

I don't know man. :bear:
