Pics that make you smile

the challenge is he says such ridiculous stuff sometimes that it's hard to know which is true and which isn't, strange times we're living in right now

Well, don't be fooled. Trump knows exactly what he is doing. Per Trump, the official economic data were fake then real and now fake again.

"When Barack Obama was president and the economic statistics were good, then-candidate Donald Trump said they were fake. When Trump became president and inherited the exact same stats, they suddenly became real.
Now that they’re turning south, they’re apparently fake once more."

Move over, Illuminati. The conspiracy against Trump’s economy is massive.
Just heard on TV that Trump twittered that the visit to Denmark are canceled as our PM dont even want to discuss his silly plan.
Well, don't be fooled. Trump knows exactly what he is doing. Per Trump, the official economic data were fake then real and now fake again.
fact checking is a full time job these days, sadly the term fake news gets thrown around that much that people seem to be taking things at face value a lot of the time and never bothering to check one way or the other
Some people just want a confrontation, earlier today i posted my personal opinion to a youtube video, that was a mistake on my part.
Seem like what and where ever people take everything as a attack on their personal integrity.
Both people that got annoyed was accounts that #1 had a normal Danish name & sirname but no posts, and #2 was a weird named one also with no content and both clearly troll accounts.
All criminal cases where police have used cell data ( location ) going way back to 2007 have to be done over, this in a time where we have less cops than we ever had.
But at least the police chief in charge of electronic evidence like that have been fired.
Really the level of incompetence people in the most important jobs in Danish society are able to display are frightening, aside for embarrassing i am lost for words,,, and as you know thats not really something i normally do.
Already now people in custody for lesser cases are getting released from jail, and for the next 2 years digital data like that can not be used as evidence before the police have proven that they and their IT systems are able to handle such things, cuz really what have gone on here are pretty simple like the police not even knowing where the cell masts actually are, they have been as much as 1/ 8 - 1/4 mile off in mast location.
I think they used Jolly cola.

I do love sugar water with bubbles.
So did my friend, drank so much Coke he got sick from it, and this was many years before he was diagnosed as a diabetic.
Anyway the world became a poorer place then they stopped making the original Faxe kondi, that sh.. made Coke and Pepsi and their sub brands seem like swamp water.
Some people like walmart.
Other people think walmart is evil.

Make up your own mind.
Walmart has the number of the beast0001.jpg

Is this the mark of the beast?

I do not know. I only know the pizza was tasty.
Hehe there have been some funny Trump drawings on the newspapers, but out of fear of creating another "Muhammad" cartoon controversy this time with a nuclear armed "foe" i better not repost.

Puerto Rican people it seem are more than willing to get traded for Greenland. :) and i think they will fit right in, seem like they are as good with money as Danes are.

Still the DIY people, those always come up with something to marvel at.
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House and dog sitting from tomorrow and the next 2 weeks, this have the added bonus that i will be on a fiber connection.
Sadly only on a 30/30 mbit connection as the house owner dont have the geek genome. :),,,,,, actually he dont even have a computer, so the 30/30 are just for his phone and his online gambling addiction.