Pics that make you smile

Gender reveal parties.
On many things i have to say " just cuz you can do it, don't mean you have to do it"

Gender reveal parties.
On many things i have to say " just cuz you can do it, don't mean you have to do it"

My wife is having a scheduled C-section in one week. When people ask, she's been telling them we'll have a gender reveal party in the hospital on November 6. :LOL:
Mental picture:

So my birth town of Aarhus have gotten a new light rail system, the pride of the town, but the past 2 days it have not worked in the morning.
CUZ it seem like the people ordering it / running it, was not aware we have something called days / nights with sub zero temperatures, so for the past 2 days the trains have not been able to run in the morning due to a little frost on the overhead power lines.

A executive interviewed in TV said, well first we had to figure out this was a issue :cautious:
It is the same system as run in Bergen in northern Norway, but i assume they had the intelligence to winter-proof their trains from the get go.
Its the same with the National railways here, every fall and winter for as long as i can remember it come as a big surprise that leaves fall on the rails and even snow now and then, and so regular trains are delayed / stopped too.

I swear incompetence are the name of the game here.
Wonder if he thought anybody would be able to read it? (Photo was taken from the ground.)

How was a photo taken from above taken from the ground?

"A prank by an RAF Tornado crew spotted flying with a sign saying "I'm with stupid" has been laughed off by the Ministry of Defence.
The crew, from RAF Lossiemouth, was photographed during a high-speed exercise through hills in Snowdonia.
Plane-spotters captured the navigator holding up a piece of paper with the joke pointing to the pilot.
An RAF spokesman said it was a "light-hearted moment" and insisted the crew had not endangered the aircraft."

How was a photo taken from above taken from the ground?

"A prank by an RAF Tornado crew spotted flying with a sign saying "I'm with stupid" has been laughed off by the Ministry of Defence.
The crew, from RAF Lossiemouth, was photographed during a high-speed exercise through hills in Snowdonia.
Plane-spotters captured the navigator holding up a piece of paper with the joke pointing to the pilot.
An RAF spokesman said it was a "light-hearted moment" and insisted the crew had not endangered the aircraft."
I recognise the background, it was taken here:

Who cares? Why not just enjoy the prank instead of always having to present yourself as the self appointed "How Know-it All". Never encountered such a prig as you. :rolleyes:
I thought you asked a question because you wanted an answer, not because you wanted to call people stupid names!
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I think you should always take a playful approach to things, even if it is a thing you are really into, at least for me when things get too serious and rigid i am turned off in a big way.
My mind will literally shut down in cases like that.
Thats one reason i liked some of the things Stephen Hawking did for TV, cuz otherwise his field are too dry and math ridden for me to care for at all.
Danish world record.
14 "Rubiks cube" ( pyraminx ) solved on 1 breath of air, former WR was 9 "cubes"


Cease to amaze me what people will do on TV Saturday evening.
I hear Australians in NSW have a big smile on, now that they finally got some rain, which as i understand it have been missing for a very very long time.
