Pics that make you smile

I am heading in that direction too.



Wasent that that movie with a ex wrestler, i seem to have some sort of light bulb flashing a little.
Yeah that picture are something else, thank god they brought good cameras on those awesome trips.
Looks like a clear cut case of "my first peek - a - boo" :)

BTW if you feel frisky the Danish name for that are Titte - bøh
So much for that AI :sneaky:
Give the last tot to someone you don't like


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Hehe yes the stuff have a way of inflating peoples thoughts about them self in many ways.
I was only a active drinker for 7 - 10 years, and during that period i did much more stupid stuff than i did the following decades as a pothead.
Though i must also admit that it do seem like pot have the same effect on people.
In my world being drunk or stoned have never been a valid excuse for anything, and when i was drinking i often felt like reaching for that excuse, though i have almost never been so drunk i have not been able to remember what i have done.
People that become that drunk, really have a big problem.

On X mas i found out my oldest nieces BF lost his driving license before he was 20, so evidently he have some serious driving problems, none of all the people i have ever know have lost their license in that young a age.
But back then it was also harder than now, as a 18 YO new driver you also only have 2 marks on your license, so when they are gone you have to retake the driving license.

I will also gladly admit that it is down to pure luck i have never crashed any of my cars, or gotten any speeding tickets.

In 24 hours i will be drunk, and in 48 hours i will be sober and it will be another year before i am drunk again.
Along the same line this past New Year's Eve was not New Year's Eve 2020 as was erroneously mentioned in the media more times than I can count. It was NYE 2019, NYE 2020 will not happen until roughly a year from now.
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My wife was recalling last night how 20 years ago people were freaking out about how the world as we know it was about to end because "y2k".


My wife was recalling last night how 20 years ago people were freaking out about how the world as we know it was about to end because "y2k".


Yeah it was funny the way people were reacting (or should I say pre-acting) about that. The son-in-law of a friend was so certain that society was going to revert back the the dark ages that he had (among other things) 11 55 gallon drums of fresh water stored in his basement for when the infrastructure collapsed. :rolleyes: