Pics that make you smile



My dog is broken. I actually have to tell her that there's food on the floor, and sometimes point to it multiple times while calling her.

Meanwhile she usually starts barking several seconds BEFORE someone rings the doorbell because she can see them through the front window.
My dog is broken. I actually have to tell her that there's food on the floor, and sometimes point to it multiple times while calling her.

Meanwhile she usually starts barking several seconds BEFORE someone rings the doorbell because she can see them through the front window.
She might need glasses :)
I am so glad Danish toilet culture and design are more relaxing, cuz if i had to go like that today, i would still be sitting there cuz after squatting for more than 30 seconds i need to grab something to get up.
Or transfer to my knees and then find something to grab to get up.
My knees sure as hell did not like the +40 - 50 kilos i carry now, or something else have gone wrong and its just bad timing.
Maybe i should video myself putting the summer tires on my car in a few months, i think some might get a good laugh seeing and hearing that.
Funny knowledge.

The movie Psycho was the first American movie to feature a shot of a toilet flushing. ( just before the shower scene )
And no Janet Leigh did not go potty before the shower, she just flush a torn up letter.


Something i bet that Indian kid dident know
The Danish language gained a new word today, and it is the word "Klimatosse" ( translated ) Climate-loon. a person that are extremely dedicated to climate issues.
Hehe yeah cold weather & parking guard, and stealth are almost literally out the window.
Danish niggas can brew it too.
But THY are far from the hood, its actually out there where the area are getting depopulated.

Sadly far too expensive for me to sample new years evening.

I may try Chaos theory.


- 35ml Stauning KAOS ( Danish brand )
- 25ml of Violet Tea Cordial *
- 2 dashes of Angustura Bitters
- Top with Soda Water
- Glass: Highball

* Ingredients in Violet Tea Cordial: 15g of Violet Tea, 450g hot water, 150g sugar, 5g citric acid, 0,5g salt
* How to make it: Steep the tea in the hot water for 10 minutes. Strain the tea and add the sugar, citric acid and salt.
1. add all ingredients to an ice filled Highball glass
2. Give a quick stir and serve
Guess I'm not special, since I've never worn a cod piece. I've eaten baked cod though.

Also never worn a bowtie. I have worn a cumberbund though. And I always laugh at how most people spell it "cummerbund"... I guess I'm still 12 years old.
I'm past dressing up for anything save weddings and funerals, both of which are sad to me as they signify the end of something good. And positively no ties of any kind :p

If a person needs to be well-dressed to have value then they don't understand what the real value of a human is, which doesn't vary regardless of what they are wearing. The sole exception to this is when a pretty lady is naked in my bedroom with the door closed in which case the lack of clothing adds to her value at that moment :love: :ROFLMAO: :giggle:

Many of the worst kinds of people including preachers and politicians and lawyers wear suits to and I do not want to be mis-identified as being part of those groups. They also probably need codpieces to help conceal their lack of value as humans- I don't have that problem :)
