Pics that make you smile

the smoke are already across the pacific and over Chile giving those guys a noticeable drop in light levels even if the smoke are up high and so not really a health risk for them.
Some of it went up high, but not all of it, in NZ they could easily smell it and in Chile it is reducing visibility as well as light levels so they must have some at lower levels, although the roads in Chile go up to nearly 5Km.

All those things we can see with our technology, and still we do not see our own flaws.
Only skynet can save us now.
New Zealand has copped heaps of it, some of the snow capped mountains are brown now as a result
The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) said the island of Dum In Mirrie, about 50 kilometres south-west of Darwin, received 562mm in the 24 hours from 9:00am on Friday morning.

BOM duty forecaster Billy Lynch said the Northern Territory's standing daily rainfall record was 544mm in the Roper Valley in 1963.

"I dusted off the archives to see if we've ever had rain that heavy before in 24 hours … it's looking like this is potentially a new Northern Territory record," he said.
Well one large part of the problem is that we're not trying to live with nature, but to beat it into the shape we want it to be instead. That doesn't work and never has. We should take reasonable steps to minimize our risks of natural disasters, but we need to understand that nothing we can do can eliminate them completely. We're at the mercy of this planet, and considering how poorly we govern and manage our own selves I think I'll let Nature remain in control as the better choice. In the meantime I'll do what I can to minimize the risks but I know that nature always wins against humans eventually, and I'm only human.

Well mostly human I think- the government won't tell me everything but I did find out that at least one of my parents may have came directly to the US during 1948 in a little town called Roswell New Mexico :alien: Maybe that explains my strange desires to create circular patterns in crop fields :ROFLMAO:

This video is absolutely abiding by youtube policy by not giving a brand name or a web site to go to.

Those guys do some stuff with shotguns,,,,, like OMG stuff.

BUT ! i have not seem them shoot the frag 12,,,,, and i think that's a good thing, but just about anything else that fit thru a shotgun.

BUT ! ill take a crate of the frag 12s 50 / 50 AP and HE

I just hope it will be rain levels that can make a difference, the smoke are already across the pacific and over Chile giving those guys a noticeable drop in light levels even if the smoke are up high and so not really a health risk for them.
Those that believe in a flat earth are going to have some explaining to do soon!

NASA is predicting smoke from the country's devastating bushfires will make it all the way around the world, with the potential to move over Australian skies again in the coming days... Perth locals might notice a "hazy day" soon.

as will those climate change deniers that think the earth is so big that whatever you put into the atmosphere is gone forever!

The view from New Zealand:
If they hurry they could make a movie about / on Mars, and not having to CGI the skies to Martian color.
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If they hurry they could make a movie about / on Mars, and not having to CGI the skied to Martian color.
No need to hurry up, it is getting worse, and when the old smoke joins up with the new smoke...

Melbourne air quality drops to 'hazardous' levels as bushfire smoke lingers over Victoria.

The Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB) said it had been called out to 192 false alerts from fire alarms since 10:00pm yesterday, the majority of which were because of the smoke.
I say this wits as thick a Aussie accent as i can do " Poor Bastards "
Observations from a bilingual person:

So in English the word wonderful come up pretty self explanatory, 2 syllables ( if you are wrong ) - wonder and you are full of it
The same word ( well one of them ) in Danish are Dejlig, now if you split that up in its 2 syllables you get Dej ( Danish for dough ) and lig ( Danish for corpse ) which are two strange things to to combine into something wonderful.

Dont ask me why my brain come up with stuff like that, but it just did while i was playing with trains on the computer.