Pics that make you smile

Well a fire horse like me wouldn't know :)
Wasn't "RATT" the name of a "metal band"? :ROFLMAO:

If you call that metal,,, yes.
But in my group of people back then they was ranked as makeup wearing glam boys.
But it was hard for bands to impress me / us, and often a popular band got relegated to MEH standing, one of those would be Scorpions and Judas priest - AC-DC, those i only like their old stuff.
Year of the rat, you say?

The local Chinese New Years activities are seeing smaller crowds. and the news media is warning people to stay home.

I'm kind of confused since the ethnic chinese doing the celebrating here probably have not been out of thailand for a while, but one friend claims chinese leave china to to come here to celebrate CNY?

(I'm still confused)

The good thing is, there is a small store that sells beer 100 meters away, a swimming pool 30 meters away, and the motorbike food delivery service now can find the apartment building. Not much reason to wander too far, or cook.

I was kind of mad yesterday, Ordered pizza, the guy got lost, I could see him sitting two blocks away on the app, but not on the main street where i could yell 'Hey, dumbarse, it's down here!!!'
I'm kind of confused since the ethnic chinese doing the celebrating here probably have not been out of thailand for a while, but one friend claims chinese leave china to to come here to celebrate CNY?

(I'm still confused)
plenty of Chinese travel overseas during this holiday period, around 500 million travel to other cities within China also
yes thats a regular day, if its that part of the month it would look like this.


Or so i am told,,,, i have no personal experience on the matter.
plenty of Chinese travel overseas during this holiday period, around 500 million travel to other cities within China also

Yes, but this isn't an international tourist destination.....even for chinese. No beaches, not many all you can eat buffets to ravage......I can understand some coming to visit 'distant' relatives. The more typical tourist destinations in thailand, where the Chinese often arrive on package tours, have been hurting due to the strong Baht.
I don't think Danish cats get breakfast,,,,, or at least they did not when we had a cat when i was a kid.
But the current day near stampeded to adopt any and all American traditions may have changed this :rolleyes: but i cant comment further on this as i dont want to maybe insult my American internet friends, but the Danish i go toe 2 toe with on this.
The TV for the in enacting karate movie fan. :)
Cuz we all been there, i was like Bruce lee when i was a kid, at least after watching one of his movies.
I swear parking slots like that should be made in places, to mock the owners of that brand.
And i saw one of them just yesterday when shopping, parked pretty much strait over the line separating 2 bays, so he took up 2 bays with his car, and of course this was almost the closest bays to the shop entry.
And i have no doubt he / she would gladly take the 3 bay diagonal BMW parking bay.

EDIT: looking at that pic, if there are a lot of people, how the hell do you get in and out of a parking bay, unless you go shopping in a forklift.
I mean the drive space in between parking bays are so narrow that i doubt you can reverse out of a bay and get the front of your car turned to get away before you hit the car parked behind you, so either the bays are really large or people get stuck is somehow 2 other people have managed to park on either side of you.
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PS, just for the hell of it i went to google maps / satellite, and looked at the largest mall in town and played spot the BMW.
I only found 1
Spot the BMW.jpg
O just for the hell of it i looked at Danish BMW dealers :eek: now i know where they learn to park like that.
One of the BMW dealers in my birth town, they have a parking place with 12 slots, but it is filled with 10 cars parked diagonal, and so -2 slots.