Pics that make you smile

I swipe left on all social media. :)
@kamkar1 Here in the UK all parking spaces are that size which is why I personally hate going shopping and why cars pick up parking dings.

To make things even worse, some shoppers reverse park, then try and get their trolley in between the cars to their boot/trunk, really how stupid can you get. I never ever park next to somebody who has reverse parked.
It is funny the way they insist on making parking bays as small as possible, i don't know about you but i have never seen a full parking lot.
Then again i do my shopping early or late in the day, during peak shopping or traffic hours i stay at home.
HEHE my pizza guy have closed on Mondays, all other days he are open.

Adults do not object to being told "you got so small" after knowing they "got so big".
I saw a handwritten sign in a restaurant for the employees while sitting at the drive-thru window which said "Nobody is allowed to wear ear bulbs. This includes management."

I guess you can tell it was a fried chicken restaurant on the poor side of town by the sign and it's grammar :ROFLMAO:

Funny thing:
Australia get people out of China, and quarantine them on a island 1400 km from Australia, Danes transported out of China yesterday and today,,,, go "strait" home to their own apartment / house, but are urged not to mingle too much.
Only if they show any signs of being sick on the way home do the Danes go to a quarantine ward on a hospital.
Making me wonder do some know things we don't know, or are Danes smarter or dumber than the rest of the world.
Funny thing:
Australia get people out of China, and quarantine them on a island 1400 km from Australia, Danes transported out of China yesterday and today,,,, go "strait" home to their own apartment / house, but are urged not to mingle too much.
Only if they show any signs of being sick on the way home do the Danes go to a quarantine ward on a hospital.
Making me wonder do some know things we don't know, or are Danes smarter or dumber than the rest of the world.
We put ours in an isolation hospital with no contact to the outside world or even staff for two weeks.

Seems sensible since if any are infected then the cost of tracking down everyone they have had contact with and everyone that they have had contact with will be huge compared to the cost of locking them up for 2 weeks. The risks are too serious.

Not sure putting them on a remote island is necessary, especially when people live on that island and those people will not be very happy with being potentially sacrificed in a way that the mainland isn't!

I think we should have left the people who chose to live in Wuhan there, why should they be treated differently to the rest of the people who live there just because they happen to have a passport to another country?

It is probably going to escape world wide anyway, but now is the time to try our hardest to kill it off, not wait until it is impossible and then try ... a bit like climate change and CO2! And any delay to its progress now gives a better chance of getting a vaccine that will save millions of lives before it is too late.

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One needs only to study the "Spanish Flu" of 1918 to understand how this is going to spread everywhere, and will also probably die away before we can discover and implement effective treatments or vaccines :( In that epidemic, one midwestern US town which was surrounded by this flu took the extraordinary step of placinjg around-the-clock armed citizens at every road into town, turning away everyone at a distance. Everyone except the mailman that is. Yes, you guessed right- the mailman was infected and soon that town was also in trouble along with everyone else :oops:

Be it ship, plane, bus, or train when you cram that many people into that small of an area any contagious diseases are almost certain to find their way to at least some other travelers. Quarantines effective enough to prevent the spread are impractical and would not be tolerated by most people anyway, plus they'd likely only delay the effects at best. And one must also consider that group quarantines will only mean that infections will likely pervade through the whole group instead of a few individuals alone :eek: We simply can't quarantine thousands of people individually until the disease has completely run it's course through all of them.

I don't wish illness on anyone but we are human and we are (and always will be) susceptible to things like this, and that will never change :cautious: It seems to be part of nature, so some acceptance of our fate is necessary even as we seek means to make our lives better and healthier however we can. Our best defense is a personal one: Stay as healthy as you can and do not go into society among people who might be infected any more than you absolutely must. It's not much but it's about all we can do really.

I am thinking maybe the Danes will have no issues, since they are immune and it was them that set the virus free in China
May also be why all Danes are to report in for "flu" vaccinations before next Friday :)

One day they will make a 007 movie of it, James bond & the little country that could. :giggle:
Scary but still a little bit funny as its not me.

So some guy here got bitten by a tick ( as he had been before ) but this time he got sick, first he got a slight fever, then rashes all over the body, and the end result was a allergy towards meat from cows and pigs.
Just imagine no Bacon or Steak ever again as a result of a stupid little tick.
Ni means nine in Danish
And I bet the old one gets twice the fuel economy of the new one!
Since there are no official figures for the old one, we have to compare real world figures:

For the very old ones, it's bit difficult to find figures, and since it is carbureted we need figures for well maintained cars, this seems reasonable (in USA MPG, not UK gallons):
and for some not so ancient examples which had grown a little heavier:

Then for the modern version with a little age:
and the very latest:

So yes, the old technology gets substantially more mpg, despite a lack of fuel injection, any electronics, many decades of wear on the engines and transmission, probably a lack of servicing, and almost certainly used almost entirely for short journeys while a lot of the new ones will be cruising motorway miles so should be achieving their best mpg possible!