Pics that make you smile

It is funny with that default interest in peoples well being, i only ask people if they have fallen on their ass or look bad, otherwise i must assume they are okay, and i don't have to go into friendly / friendship mode for no reason.
CUZ friendly are hard, so should not be used on nothing.

I do use friends about people online, but only cuz i am a old lazy git, if you asked me to define my relationship to the people i interact with online i would not use the word friend, cuz i cant be friends with a person i only interact with in writing and have no chance of helping as he / she are half way around the world.

And i hate myself for using the word friends loosely like that, i some times remember to say internet - friends, but not as often as i should.

IRL here i often use the Danish version of howdy which are "Davs" which are a dumbed down version of "god dag" / good day, and i rarely use goodbye / "farvel" as that's so finite to me, so i use the Danish term "hygge" which can also mean see you, and be well until then.
Or i use "vi ses" / we meet again.

The Danish farvel comes from ( i assume ) of are maybe the base of farewell,,,,, which i think was used by some in the old days.
hindsight link cuz i got curious.
I once knew a Cop who did a lot of undercover drug buys. When the deal had been completed and he was leaving he'd say "Thanks, I'll catch you later!" Of the dozens of people he said that to, only two caught the trick and mentioned it to him after they were arrested later on :p It was from this that I learned that you never have to tell a lie, only to be careful about how you speak the truth, as almost nobody pays enough attention to know what you're really saying :rolleyes:

What do you say after seeing this?
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TSA are the only apprehension i have about making my dream US grand tour, i don't think Americans in general would feel me up, even if i am a hot old guy.
Engaging that ship in Freemantle, changing plane i met a nice drug dog in Sydney airport, the handler was okay with me saying hello to it.
Okay it might have been another form of sniffer dog, how should i know.
Dident react to me though i did smoke cannabis the day before leaving Denmark, but i did wear a clean set of clothe.
Seeing customs programs on TV ( Aussie ones too ) it seem like they detect minute things, even if people are not carrying just the fact they have used lately or been with users can some times trigger a hit.

Thank god that's not a issue any more in these post 9-11 days of paranoia.
Seeing customs programs on TV ( Aussie ones too ) it seem like they detect minute things, even if people are not carrying just the fact they have used lately or been with users can some times trigger a hit.
if you see some of the stuff people bring in you'd understand, mostly food items is the problem, seems some tourists are under the impression that there's no food in Australia and you need to bring suitcases full of the stuff
Yep in the Aussie programs, Asians bringing all kinds of normal and weird foods are a big part.
That and working illegal.
yes but they save 10 RMB
they seemed to have missed the memo that we do have Asian grocers here that carry all the stuff they bring in
You don't have things that carry nasty viruses do you? Bats, Monkeys, Rhino horn...
You might have all the essentials from your point of view, but that doesn't mean they can get everything they think they need!
they seemed to have missed the memo that we do have Asian grocers here that carry all the stuff they bring in
Those grocers have M&M's?

I would think the candy would be different from country to country..
Tree huggers will not know what to do, i am sure they can appreciate the fun.
That lamp look like a disaster waiting to happen, even the lights look home made and a hazard judging by the size of the flame.
Those baked in mini wines, we have in large size here, just about any gas station sell those and the similar French hotdog.

Anyone remember the announced but never made Mel Brooks movie " Jews in space"
