Pics that make you smile

I can finally search with peace of mind, as i have gotten my ass down a VPN, though i must say my fat 1 gbit ass are finding the VPN pretty tight.
Not that i expected to anywhere max out my Dl speed, but it is also far - far from that, actually < 10% most times
I think people that praise a VPN service as fast, well they don't really know what fast are cuz i am around 80mbit, and that's far from the +950 mbit i get with the VPN off.
So thank you hackers - thank you oogle and facetwitt and similar, and thank you people in that black building in Maryland.
Hehe, yeah something like that.
Well TBH i dident have many cap guns when i was a kid, i had my 2 fingers and BAM BAM.
Then we quickly proceeded to sling shots, blow pipes and DIY bows, and of course you could always throw a lump of dirt.
We quickly learned that the bushes in many a block back yard back then had berries that fit real good in those plastic pipes for electrical wires, and those you could steal on any construction site back then.
Sling shots and bows you could of course not shoot at other people with, those was too hard hitting.
And a dried lump of dirt made for nice puffs of "smoke" if you threw it at someone hiding in bushes, only downside is that stuff are fragile so you cant throw it that hard, but it looked cool.

We also made exploding parcels, take the tray out of a box of matches and cut it in half, cut the 2 stripes of striker off the outer part of the box, attach those facing inwards on the inner part of the 2 tray halves.
Cut the sulphur off the tip of the matches and put it inside the 2 halves of the inner tray, maybe add a nut for weight, now tape up and throw and watch it go POOF when it hit something.
For added danger add a little black powder and more tape for bigger bang.

Also back then apartments had gas stoves, so add some of that lighter than air gas to a big plastic bag, tie it up with a cotton string, wet cotton string in something flammable, light end, let it fly up in the air and wait for the BOOOM when the flame reached the gas / plastic bag.
you can also make your own gas with a little zinc and sulphuric acid.

Kids today,,,,, have no idea how to entertain them self or to play.
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Kids today,,,,, have no idea how to entertain them self or to play.
Good thing they don't know how to use an internet forum, otherwise they might make use of Kamkar's bomb making instructions!
it was in a lot of books, and common knowledge back then in the 70ties, not like i had any ties to IRA or Rothe Armee Fraktion and the likes.
My dad told me of a really cool automatic fast firing human powered marble gun he and his friends made when they was kids.

Back then before the world went mad this was just good "wholesome" kids stuff, today it is terrorism in the washed minds of many people.

Also back then you heard a BANG or BOOM all year and it was no problem, now you only hear that in the 7 days or so leading up to new years evening when fireworks sale and use are legal.
And its so much of a problem there are serious talks about totally banning the sale of fireworks.
IF ! you neglect the very serious bombings and shootings / gang style executions in public, and even that's not terrorism though it is often called that today, just a result of societies not managed to keep up.
And the world was literally MAD back in those days, so what is the world today ? Insane maybe.
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My dad told me of a really cool automatic fast firing human powered marble gun he and his friends made when they was kids.
Just watched Top Gear firing footballs into goal using the airbags in car steering wheels, a bit safer than firing marbles, the goal keeper didn't even get injured!
Although if you set the airbag off at the wrong time it can kill.
hehe cool.

I liked when they fired cars off a cliff using a big pneumatic piston.
The marble Gatling gun was all mechanic, the firing power was bicycle inner tube rubber, which was in short supply during WW2 when it happened, German soldiers did like their contraption but did not confiscate or destroy it.
It was build with a lot of bicycle parts.
people was made of other stuff back then, we could use more of those today in this androgynous safety world
This makes my stomach queasy just watching.

Notice all of the safety equipment being used here.
Still happens today, it is just not permitted:
(I think it is normal to turn the power off before going inside!)

Long before the internet bomb making instructions were readily available. One notable source was The Anarchist Cookbook. I used to know the author.

And here in the US which is touted as having full freedom of speech and press, you can't buy that book or it's related ones anymore :( The US government and the Courts told the company which held copyright and published them that if they weren't "voluntarily" pulled from the market that the publishers would be jailed, so they were forced to comply :eek: It was at this point that I completely lost my faith and trust in my Government, and that continues to now and will remain so until I see all those who participated in and perpetrated this illegal censorship executed for Treason :mad:

Back when this happened, the internet wasn't readily available like it is now, so the censorship was effective, but you can find the same info online if you dare make yourself a target for scrutiny by seeking it in the usual ways. You can also find much about the processes involved online too, yet I have noticed that most American website hosts have quietly pulled such information from their sites, info which I know was once there because I saw it. Funny thing is that most of what was covered in the book and similar ones rely on things which haven't been sold freely on the open market for ages rendering it rather useless anyway, so there was really no need to invoke such censorship in the first place :cautious: And now you can easily find much nastier things and more complete instructions on how to make them very easily. It is not the thing which does evil- it's the person who puts the thing to ill-use that does evil, and evil people will always find a way to do their evil deeds.

Some genius here came up with the idea of using the blades from smaller decommissioned wind turbines as noise barriers along roads.
Not quite sure how he intend to pull that off, you can put them up next to each other, but a blade are not that wide and really its hard fibre glass so they reflect noise not absorb or dampen it.
But apparently we have lot of these blades lying around.

You can not stop a mad man, from doing harm, or becoming president / prime minister.

A few days ago a 17 YO kid was jumped here by 10 or so people jumping out of two BMW cars, they messed him up good i hear.
And not even the 17 YO kid know why, i guess that's what qualify as fun nowadays.

PS. it was not Vikings jumping out of those two BMWs, they was not from Minnesota and not from Denmark - Sweden or Norway where Vikings traditionally come from.
Still happens today, it is just not permitted

I've done many radio tower climbs but nothing this high and this much is more than I could ever do :eek: I'm too old for that stuff anymore anyway :p I do like most of the newer workplace safety requirements, they would have made my career much safer had they been in place when I was doing more dangerous work. But some of those things can make performing your work function extremely hard to do and even make it's doing more dangerous instead of safer :( When I came along, yiou were told and shown the risks you'd face, and everyone kept an eye on each other to point out possibly unseen risks. But that happened only once, and if you failed to pay attention and got yourself hurt it was your own fault. It was how you ensured that unsafe people were culled from positions they really didn't belong in, hopefully they survived and found something more suited to their level of competence to do for a living. Nowadays people expect for someone or something else to compensate for a lack of competence instead :cautious:

We see the effect here with all the clamor for self-driving cars and dashcams with driving assistance features built in, when in reality all we need is competent drivers who don't take unnecessary risks and restricting driving to only those who can and will do it this way. If you can't handle the job then you shouldn't be doing it, and if you get hurt once you've been warned then you deserve no compassion or compensation- you should take it as a lesson on your self-assessment abilities and be very thankful if you somehow manage to survive ;)

Dwarf wind turbines, and make stupid people regret their action half way up.
But a idiot got to do what a idiot must do some times.