Pics that make you smile

75 Years ago:

The last German military communications decoded at Bletchley Park in World War Two have been revealed to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day.

They were broadcast on 7 May 1945 by a military radio network making its final stand in Cuxhaven on Germany's North Sea coast.

"British troops entered Cuxhaven at 1400 on 6 May. From now on all radio traffic will cease - wishing you all the best,"

the message from a Lieutenant Kunkel said, immediately followed by:

"Closing down for ever - all the best - Auf Wiedersehen".

Only the British were still listening!
9000 people busy decoding every German military communication, often faster than the Germans decoded them.

In another message intercepted a few days earlier - also released by Bletchley Park's successor organisation GCHQ as part of the VE Day anniversary celebrations - a German soldier based on the Danish coast asked his radio control whether they had any spare cigarettes.
"No cigarettes here," came the reply.
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75 Years ago:

The last German military communications decoded at Bletchley Park in World War Two have been revealed to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day.

They were broadcast on 7 May 1945 by a military radio network making its final stand in Cuxhaven on Germany's North Sea coast.

"British troops entered Cuxhaven at 1400 on 6 May. From now on all radio traffic will cease - wishing you all the best,"

the message from a Lieutenant Kunkel said, immediately followed by:

"Closing down for ever - all the best - Auf Wiedersehen".

Only the British were still listening!
9000 people busy decoding every German military communication, often faster than the Germans decoded them.

In another message intercepted a few days earlier - also released by Bletchley Park's successor organisation GCHQ as part of the VE Day anniversary celebrations - a German soldier based on the Danish coast asked his radio control whether they had any spare cigarettes.
"No cigarettes here," came the reply.

And sadly, the genius behind saving the Western World, committed suicide in obscurity because the British Government was homophobic at the time. Alan Turing, hero and inventor of the method to crack the enigma box, died by suicide in obscurity. Had it not been for Turing, we might all have been speaking German and the war might have taken another tide.
And sadly, the genius behind saving the Western World, committed suicide in obscurity because the British Government was homophobic at the time. Alan Turing, hero and inventor of the method to crack the enigma box, died by suicide in obscurity. Had it not been for Turing, we might all have been speaking German and the war might have taken another tide.
While that is true, it was a different age where people had different values and different understandings, so don't judge them too harshly.

And also, don't forget the other heros, for some reason Alan Turing has become famous, maybe because of his suicide, and although he was extremely important to decoding the Enigma, and to the theory of computing science (the Turing test etc.), the Enigma was the relatively easy code to crack, even if the Germans believed it impossible. The later Lorenz codes were far more complex, and most important to that was Tommy Flowers who actually built Colossus, using his own money, the first ever electronic programmable computer, from those new fangled devices - 1,800 thermionic valves. That allowed us to read the top secret messages between Hitler and Rommel, so that we knew the exact location of all German troops, their planned movements, and that Rommel had gone on holiday on D-Day. Without Tommy Flowers and a few others the success of D-Day and the rest of the war would have been far less certain, and certainly many more Americans would have died that day. There were other mathematicians that would have eventually done what Alan Turing did, but there were no others that would have done what Tommy Flowers did.

Flowers later described a crucial meeting between Dwight D. Eisenhower and his staff on 5 June, during which a courier entered and handed Eisenhower a note summarising a Colossus decrypt. This confirmed that Adolf Hitler wanted no additional troops moved to Normandy, as he was still convinced that the preparations for the Normandy landings were a feint. Handing back the decrypt, Eisenhower announced to his staff, "We go tomorrow". Earlier, a report from Field Marshal Erwin Rommel on the western defences was decoded by Colossus and revealed that one of the sites chosen as the drop site for a US parachute division was the base for a German tank division and the site was changed.

Maybe the biggest success of the decrypting, was that the 9000 people working on it, and everybody that used the information, managed to keep it all secret so that the Germans continued transmitting all their secrets to us over the airwaves for the entire war! 9000+ heros.

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Thats exactly what i think when i read " new study reveals" in the news.
Not a place you go noodling :)
Some times i think i am all that speaking a few languages, but then i stumble over something like this, and suddenly i dont feel one bit all that.

I could actually hear my brain snap a few times.
I speak 3 languages. English, bad english, along with the states corrupted version of english.
I tried spanish. The teacher came in, said hello class my name is... After that I had no clue what was happening in that class. I think she thought that instant immersion would result in something other than complete confusion. She was wrong.
hehe well i would not be able to learn any language that way either, i can not learn just for the sake of learning, my brain simply refuse that.
But if something can somehow be made a little interesting and challenging, then me and my brain want to play ball.

Hola clase mi nombre es Brian.

Okay i had to look up class :sneaky:
lol, I can only speak spanglish :giggle:
Hola clase mi nombre es Brian.

Okay i had to look up class :sneaky:
I needed to use to read that first sentence.
Hello class, my name is Brian. It auto-detected spanish. I auto-detected confusion. i never was good at languages.
I have seen you mangle language but I understand what you mean to say. I know that you can understand a lot more languages than I can. I could only hope to learn foreign languages well and have never done so successfully.

Class in this context means the students studying together in the same room in a school along with a teacher trying to get the students to learn.
I needed to use to read that first sentence.
Hello class, my name is Brian. It auto-detected spanish. I auto-detected confusion. i never was good at languages.
I have seen you mangle language but I understand what you mean to say. I know that you can understand a lot more languages than I can. I could only hope to learn foreign languages well and have never done so successfully.

Class in this context means the students studying together in the same room in a school along with a teacher trying to get the students to learn.
I was wondering what else you might have thought it meant, but after looking it up I realised that you don't speak English, and in your language you don't use the word "class" for that meaning! Here, that is its normal meaning.
Only after Kamkar said he had to look class up did I realize he might have used an alternate meaning found in the words definition. That was why I explained it as I did. It would be nicer if every word had only one meaning.
Some times i think i am all that speaking a few languages, but then i stumble over something like this, and suddenly i dont feel one bit all that.

I could actually hear my brain snap a few times.

Absolutely holy ****. Bet these two dudes are now friends for life. Downright amazing that anyone could learn so many languages. Though some have similarities (Romantic Languages). Spanish / French / Italian. And Portuguese has similarities to Spanish, but spoken completely different. Spellings similar. Then languages like Norwegian and Swedish have similarities. So on so forth.
I speak 3 languages. English, bad english, along with the states corrupted version of english.
I tried spanish. The teacher came in, said hello class my name is... After that I had no clue what was happening in that class. I think she thought that instant immersion would result in something other than complete confusion. She was wrong.

Redneck or Ebonics? Do those count as another tongue?
hehe well i would not be able to learn any language that way either, i can not learn just for the sake of learning, my brain simply refuse that.
But if something can somehow be made a little interesting and challenging, then me and my brain want to play ball.

Hola clase mi nombre es Brian.

Okay i had to look up class :sneaky:

Buena a encontrarte Brian. Estamos Tranquillo en este canal! Me gusta la pelicula como idiomas de youtube =).

Now learn spanish LOL......Mine is far from good LOL.