Pics that make you smile

Octane is measured differently there, so your 92 is approximately the same as our 89. Just another one of those things I wish the whole world would standardize on, and probably again it's the US being the odd-man-out.

yeah ours is different also, we have E10, 91, 95 and 98
All gas here have ethanol in it now ( 10 % as i recall )

Feeling myself up,,,, or rather a pocket in my pants i found one such code for 200 DKkr of gas.

You no longer have to give the pump number, but you still have to say if its gas or diesel you need,,,,,, which i find a bit strange.
You have Canada and Brazil with you on this one.

Brazil doesn't use Gasoline/Petrol. Theirs is a form of ethanol bio-fuel derived from the leavings from their massive sugar cane harvests. Their "self-sustaining fuel" is one of the reasons their economy tends to do better than their neighboring Countries as OPEC and open-market petroleum prices don't affect them as much. They've seen times when the sugar cane wasn't worth harvesting due to market prices, but the leaves were still profitable for fuel :cool: It's one heck of a set-up if you can pull it off, but very few Nations grow enough of the right stuff to make it worthwhile. US and corn/maize comes very close though. We can't make all our motor fuel this way, but enough could be made to fill the most essential roles with our own oil production closing much of the gap.

Fun Fact: The Ford Model "T" was designed to be ran off of farm-produced ethanol moreso than gasoline, as gasoline was still hard to come by in the more remote areas for it's first few years of production. Back then, motor fuels had no octane ratings and varied considerably from batch to batch. Instructions came with each car outlining how to make it run on either fuel. In a pinch it could also run on whale oil for lamps, kerosene, coal oil, and a few other fuels. The only more fuel-versatile four-wheeled transport is the hot-bulb engine such as was used in the Lanz Bulldog farm tractors which can run on almost any liquid which can be made to burn, including waste oil.

Hehe yeah no shiny gas stations back in those days, you had to be lucky finding some jugs of something that would burn in the Ford.
You dont see many hot bulb engines run these days, fast and furry petrol head boys will be like :unsure: let me check my google.

So just in case.
It's one heck of a set-up if you can pull it off, but very few Nations grow enough of the right stuff to make it worthwhile. US and corn/maize comes very close though. We can't make all our motor fuel this way, but enough could be made to fill the most essential roles with our own oil production closing much of the gap.
UK makes a fair amount from wheat, presumably after removing the grain, and sugar beat, presumably after producing most of our sugar. Also biodiesel from waste oil and sewage! (separated oil and fats) There is also a fair amount of methane production from agricultural and domestic waste which gets turned into electricity for the electric cars. Of course there is a limited supply of all the source materials, and they don't come close to supplying the full demand for liquid fuels, but the government is hoping to get to 1/3rd of fuel use. Latest projects include bio aviation fuel.
A few years back when gas hit $4.11 a gallon (the all time high price) some people pumped and left without paying. That loss could eat up most of or a whole days gas profits. This crime happened a lot at the time. In response most of the gas stations went to prepay. Most stations have kept pre-pay for fuel since then. Yes, most gas pumps (not all) accept credit cards. A few also have cash suckers that can make your wife or daughter seem slow when they are taking your money from you.

Semi common issue is people installing skimmers on prepaid credit cards. You hear this on the news every now and again. But most went to prepay when gas prices were really high and people started driving off. And as you pointed out have maintained this same standard. Some Rural places were slow to adopt the system.

When I prepay for gas with cash here I do so because they offer more $ back (typically $0.05) than I would get in credit card cash back rewards.
You can take a $20, $50, or $100 bill into the store; go outside; pump the gas you need, then go back inside the store to get the rest of your money back.

Handing the gas station money is also less than ideal, as is "leaving your credit card". Leaving your credit card used to be the old way to pay. Now that machines all have credit card readers, the main concern is skimmers. Course, if someone steals info, credit cards cover fraud.

Dolp can relate to that, his solution to just about anything was death by clubbing.


Dolp would not be able to air in many countries, in America it would be a beep fest like no other.
Here it was prime time entertainment for a while.

Finally ready for prime time.

I am not going to argue, though i am far from a expert on the matter.

Thats what happen every time i play chess.


well i guess you could make that call.



Thats not a nice daddy.

Remember Marty.

Funny how things turn 180 some times.

For all the smokers out there in Corona land.
Some times you need to pause and think.



The BASS are off the hook.

Timing IS everything.



You should never use this comeback in this situation.

Always nice when things come together.
So i learned a little,,,,, and that's not half bad. :cool:
My neck of the woods.
Almost as good as the BBC, but he has got almost as many cameras in his equipment list!

The BBC has been stuck at home recently: