Pics that make you smile

My pizza joint been open all along, and you can walk in too, if there is less than 3 people in there.
I played it lazy and have gotten free delivery the past few months.
Malls and many other things open up here tomorrow, but with a set of strict orders, not least no rush / que generating offers ASO, general rules about keeping distance still apply, also only so many they can let in in accordance to open floor space of the place.

So far around 500 smaller businesses have gone belly up here over the virus.
I wonder if this farmers wife is jealous.


P.S. Cow tongues are rough.
Thats not a hovercraft, if anything it is a areal meatgrinder waiting to happen.
Gas already on the up here. :cry:
The lowest we have here are 92 octane.
Octane is measured differently there, so your 92 is approximately the same as our 89. Just another one of those things I wish the whole world would standardize on, and probably again it's the US being the odd-man-out.

I think Jeremy Clarkson called American Gasoline for jungle Juice or something in a episode.

At the gas station the kids are finally learning that my little red "racer" run on "go juice", and diesel are "slow juice" which my car do not run on.
Due to gas and run, if you want to pay cash, you have to go into the store pay for what you want and then you get a code you can enter at the pump to get whatever you paid for.

So i say " i would like to purchase xxx Dkkr worth of go juice..... please, as i an such a polite guy.

Or to be honest i speak old folks Danish, so what i say will actually translate to " if it is not too much of a inconvenience i would like to purchase xxx DKkr worth of gasoline,,,,,, please"

Its my way of teaching kids that there was a world before their time that started a few weeks ago.
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In the US to pay cash, you first park at a pump, then look at the pump to see which number it is. Go inside, say "I'd like $20 on pump #8 please", then the cashier turns it on in the computer, and you go fill up. No fancy codes necessary.
In the US to pay cash, you first park at a pump, then look at the pump to see which number it is. Go inside, say "I'd like $20 on pump #8 please", then the cashier turns it on in the computer, and you go fill up. No fancy codes necessary.
What if you want to fill the tank, but don't know exactly how much it will take?
Here we fill the tank, then pay for what we have put in. I always fill the tank.

Alternatively we give the pump our credit card details, then fill the tank, and then it charges us for what we have taken.
In the US to pay cash, you first park at a pump, then look at the pump to see which number it is. Go inside, say "I'd like $20 on pump #8 please", then the cashier turns it on in the computer, and you go fill up. No fancy codes necessary.

Where I like to buy my gas, once they get to know you as a regular customer all you need to do is wave at the guy or gal inside and they'll activate the pump for you. Once you've filled up your tank with as much or as little fuel as you want you go inside and pay for it with cash or credit card. As long as they know you're not likely to drive off without paying for your fuel they're cool with trusting their customers.
if you have paid more than your car can fit, you have to go inside again with the piece of paper with the code / barcode ( some pumps have a scanner ) and get the difference paid back.
It do annoy the hell out of me, and i blame the de route of Danish society, the gas stations like banks are also cash register free now, so you cant rob one and get any money out of it, not even gasoline.
your best price as a gas station robber now is cigarettes and alcohol.

My favorite gas station in the end they lost like 30.000 Dkkr ( 4300 USD ) to pump and runt thieves every month, that's a lot of money not least since the massive Danish gas prices, well that is to blame on taxes not really expensive gasoline, i assume at least 50% of the gas price here are tax, probably more like 3/4 :censored:
What if you want to fill the tank, but don't know exactly how much it will take?
A few years back when gas hit $4.11 a gallon (the all time high price) some people pumped and left without paying. That loss could eat up most of or a whole days gas profits. This crime happened a lot at the time. In response most of the gas stations went to prepay. Most stations have kept pre-pay for fuel since then. Yes, most gas pumps (not all) accept credit cards. A few also have cash suckers that can make your wife or daughter seem slow when they are taking your money from you.

When I prepay for gas with cash here I do so because they offer more $ back (typically $0.05) than I would get in credit card cash back rewards.
You can take a $20, $50, or $100 bill into the store; go outside; pump the gas you need, then go back inside the store to get the rest of your money back.
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