Pics that make you smile

A Danish farmer put a new roof on the stable of his pig farm, with approval from the municipality he put on a grey roof.
But now another idiotic public branch have deemed the roof illegal as it should have been black or dark brown, the farmer now have a few weeks to paint his roof or put another one in the right colour or risk monthly fines of 2500 DKkr.
It is stupid poo like that which make it so hard for me to feel Danish or pride, my feelings are most often in a whole other direction.
Things are not so different here. The state says to shut down his business, removes his license, gives it back, takes it away again, now this man is standing up against the state.

His facebook page.

Articles showing his problems.

The Danish version of 4 July are on the 5 of June, i am not one of those that will get overwhelmed with patriotic feelings and wave the old red & white.

Sadly my friends Red - white and Blue are no longer in displaying order, so we wont even do 4 of July this year it seem, at least not with the flag, but the grill will probably be fired up, and as we have agreed upon also getting ****faced during the year, that date are as good as any i reckon, so in my friends case some bourbon will go down, me i will have a go at other things in his liquor cabinet.
No that was just when BBC broadcast that the Germans in a range of countries among those Denmark had surrendered.
Denmark was not debated during the Jalta talks, so it was sort of a race between Montgomery and the Russians to liberate Denmark, thank god Monty beat the Russians by a few hours.
The Russians did for a short while occupy the Island of Bornholm as the German garrison there did not want to surrender, so the island was actually bombed by the Russians.
The Russians did for a short while occupy the Island of Bornholm as the German garrison there did not want to surrender, so the island was actually bombed by the Russians.

The British bombed Copenhagen:
Denmark itself looks, superficially, as if it has suffered very little from the war. There is very little bomb damage in Copenhagen, aside from the Gestapo Headquarters which was accurately bombed by the R.A.F. a short while before the liberation, and this the Danes never tired of quoting.
Yes for a #2 time and again they failed to annihilate the damn place. :) some bombs missed the target and hit a School.
But as i recall a French school so no real loss :censored: also bombed the university in my Birth town Aarhus, in a creative manner as Gestapo kept prisoners in the attic as bomb shields.
Yes for a #2 time and again they failed to annihilate the damn place. :) some bombs missed the target and hit a School.
But as i recall a French school so no real loss :censored: also bombed the university in my Birth town Aarhus, in a creative manner as Gestapo kept prisoners in the attic as bomb shields.
Aarhus university, instructions: fly your wooden aeroplane (Mosquito) from Scotland to Aarhus university, bomb the Gestapo Headquarters in the bottom 5 floors, don't bomb the Danish Resistance fighters in the 6th floor attic!


We left the attic, but it no longer had a floor!

On the 31st October 1944 there had been a very successful attack on the Gestapo HQ in Aarhus. On that occasion the low flying aircraft had put bombs right in the centre of the Aarhus University building used by the Nazis, killing an estimated 200 members of the Gestapo. Around 30 imprisoned Danish resistance fighters also died. The raid had been urgently arranged because resistance leader Pastor Sandbaek had been captured and was being tortured there – by good fortune he was one of the few who was dug out of the ruins alive.

And the USA think they invented precision bombing and radar invisible aircraft for the gulf war!
Still a impressive piece of work, one people appreciated very much at the time.
Gestapo there had a lot of files, this was also the case at the so called "shell" house in Copenhagen.
Disrupting those files was the main target.
Also many low life snitches around here back then, sadly those now get to roam free aside for snitches among criminals who often get taken care of.

Not a big fan of the De Havilland Mosquito, but i am a huge fan of the P-38 lightning that honest dident do that much of the awesome work.

I cant remember if it was in Aarhus or the Capitol, but one of the bombers hit a chimney or something and crashed, so they was coming in low indeed.
It was the Mosquitos that did the precision bombing, the P-38 was a big heavy thing, pretty good if the Germans were firing bullets into it, but the Mosquitos just left the Germans behind so didn't have that issue.

It was a Mosquito that hit a lamp post during the bombing run on the shell house, and then hit a school about a mile later due to wing damage. Well below chimney height!
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It was the Mosquitos that did the precision bombing, the P-38 was a big heavy thing, pretty good if the Germans were fire bullets into it, but the Mosquitos just left the Germans behind so didn't have that issue.

It was a Mosquito that hit a lamp post during the bombing run on the shell house, and then hit a school about a mile later due to wing damage. Well below chimney height!

German V-2s Rained Upon England with very precision timing. First Rocket to ever have a Quasi Guidance System.

Should have done to Germany what the U.S. did to Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Drop a mother f*cking nuke on those genocidal krauts.
German V-2s Rained Upon England with very precision timing. First Rocket to ever have a Quasi Guidance System.
There was no precision to the V2, some of them hit London, most of them missed, and London was a big target!

Most of them missed because the Germans had a guy in London telling them where they were landing and what adjustments to make, but he was a double agent and was targeting them to miss! The V1 was more accurate, but we shot most of those down.
There was no precision to the V2, some of them hit London, most of them missed, and London was a big target!

Most of them missed because the Germans had a guy in London telling them where they were landing and what adjustments to make, but he was a double agent and was targeting them to miss! The V1 was more accurate, but we shot most of those down.

German Blitzkrieg still caused significant damage to the U.K! V-1s and V-2s rained upon England. Old War movies said people didn't worry when they heard a buzzing noise. It was once it stopped you were scared!

I imagine the fear of nuking might have been killing civilians (Jews / Political Prisoners / War Prisoners). But the decade of Nazi Rule and 6 years of the Holocaust cost 12 million lives. Thinking nuking them Germany would have been far easier with some collateral damage. I lost family in WWII due to these SOBs.
German Blitzkrieg still caused significant damage to the U.K! V-1s and V-2s rained upon England. Old War movies said people didn't worry when they heard a buzzing noise. It was once it stopped you were scared!
"Significant" is relative, the number of people killed by the Germans in London during the war was about the same as the number we killed in one night in Dresden, and another night in Hamburg we killed almost as many as the Germans killed in the whole of the UK during the entire war. Of course they started the bombing of cities so they can't complain, and while we bombed them to help end the war, they bombed the city I am now in purely because it was on a tourist map as an attractive place to visit, no military significance.
"Significant" is relative, the number of people killed by the Germans in London during the war was about the same as the number we killed in one night in Dresden, and another night in Hamburg we killed almost as many as the Germans killed in the whole of the UK during the entire war. Of course they started the bombing of cities so they can't complain, and while we bombed them to help end the war, they bombed the city I am now in purely because it was on a tourist map as an attractive place to visit, no military significance.

My Opinion: Any Nazi captured after the war should have been drawn, quartered, and left to suffer a slow agonizing death. The few who met the gallows or fire squad met a too timely and easy fate. It's beyond comprehension that the U.S. Government recruited their scientists (I get it Van Braun Helped Space Program) and South Americans Dictators gave shelter. These sacks of Sh*T should have been treated in the same inhuman way they did to those they tortured.

Darkest atrocities of the Nazis laid bare in the secretly recorded conversations of German prisoners of war

Germans were indiscriminate in their killing.

Some tapes picked up the same theme time and time again; for example, that it was a recurring problem for the S.S. killing squads in Russia to shoot children. The listeners wondered if this was a moral dilemma - if, in fact, long subsumed humanity was breaking through.

Then one day they listened into a conversation that revealed why killing children was such a problem; it was because they wouldn't keep still.

The recordings also picked up on another theme - 'execution tourism.'

It turned out that many German soldiers serving in Russia or Poland sought out either friends or contacts in the S.S. murder squads and made appointments to go along to witness what was done.
Not a big fan of the De Havilland Mosquito, but i am a huge fan of the P-38 lightning that honest dident do that much of the awesome work.

I cant remember if it was in Aarhus or the Capitol, but one of the bombers hit a chimney or something and crashed, so they was coming in low indeed.
Not sure why the Mosquito isn't more of a hero, hadn't realised it was made of balsa wood, thought that was for model aircraft!

And dashcam footage of the Shell House raid:

O yeah the Mosquito was one of those, toss what you have together and see how it work planes.
And as you would have it, it turned out rather well.

A few KM north of where i live in Randers is a small town called Hvidsten, that was home for one of the most successful resistance groups in Jutland, now there is even a movie made about the group ( 2012 )

Also a few memorials around here where bombers been to Germany crashed due to the damage sustained down there.
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