Pics that make you smile

Yes the people who help or give, for no other reason than it is natural to them.
On my drive today i saw a lot of schoolgirls and boys cross a road, but the light turned and only 1 lonely girl stopped on the island in the middle of the road while her friends ran the rest of the way over under red light.
I gave the girl a honk and a big thumbs up and smile.
And i kept a eye on her in my mirrors as i drove on and she stood there alone waiting for a green light,,,,,,,,,, that was the highlight of my day. :love:
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She probably thought you were a weirdo?
Could be, i had the car stereo going full tilt meanwhile, and the 80ties Rush ( grace under pressure ) might seem alien to her.
But she seemed pretty happy, i will include her as a feel good moment in my next upload of idiots in traffic.
At least my car had a remark less inspection today, even if in accordance with the new law ( i knew nothing about ) my windscreen are actually not quite as it should be with its few minor dings from stones.
And my car was services by a nice little girl, actually when i saw i sort of regretted i turned off all my cameras for the service, but lets just say i have other things she could "tune" up





Aint it just nice when family get together to do stuff, plus 93 is not too old to cosplay.




NASA / SpaceX launch humans from US soil in 3.5 hours, personally i am not going to miss this. (y)
I never saw the dragon, don't think it was ever bright enough, but SpaceX sent up another batch of 60 starlink satellites that went over last night, worth a look soon before they disperse. Not my image, but over the UK, they are a bit faint for my cameras, and I don't have a satellite tracker to avoid motion blur. More impressive in reality when you can see the whole cloud of 60, binoculars are a good idea to see them well:

Yeah my friend saw them a few weeks ago when they passed over Denmark or rather south of Denmark.
Sadly that direction are blocked by trees at his place otherwise i would have told him to aim one of his CCTV cameras in that direction to film it.

I know they can de-orbit them if / when a satellite fail, but what about putting up a replacement for it ? will be too expensive to do a launch for just 1 satellite.
Yeah my friend saw them a few weeks ago when they passed over Denmark or rather south of Denmark.
Sadly that direction are blocked by trees at his place otherwise i would have told him to aim one of his CCTV cameras in that direction to film it.

I know they can de-orbit them if / when a satellite fail, but what about putting up a replacement for it ? will be too expensive to do a launch for just 1 satellite.
This is a new set that have gone up, the last set have dispersed towards their operational positions, the new ones are still in a train.
With the good viewing opportunities, they rise in the west, travel overhead/towards the south and then enter the Earths shadow before setting in the east.

Like GPS, they have spares already up there, although I guess the spares are made use of to improve the overall bandwidth, while with GPS I think there are actually some unused spares.
That sound reasonable.



Dressed up for some hard core protesting.
My brother had gloves similar to that (carbon knuckles, mesh outer for ventillation) when he rode motorcycles. They were part of a matched set of riding safety gear, with similar armor panels on the jacket. I think the brand name was Joe Rocket
I'd say something snarky about his hair, but at least he seems to still have plenty...
