Pics that make you smile

The Mosquito was the best furniture to ever be flown in the history of aviation :LOL: Kidding aside, it was IMHO the very best plane England flew during that war, even exceeding the much vaunted Spitfire. The Mossie could do anything and do it acceptably or better- usually far better than expected. It was fully competitive from start to nearly the last days of the war where it could still be used to great effect. Legendary but not given the recognition it deserves.

The Mosquito was the best furniture to ever be flown in the history of aviation :LOL: Kidding aside, it was IMHO the very best plane England flew during that war, even exceeding the much vaunted Spitfire. The Mossie could do anything and do it acceptably or better- usually far better than expected. It was fully competitive from start to nearly the last days of the war where it could still be used to great effect. Legendary but not given the recognition it deserves.


German view:
Hermann Göring was another Mosquito fan. “In 1940 I could at least fly as far as Glasgow in most of my aircraft, but not now! It makes me furious when I see the Mosquito. I turn green and yellow with envy. The British, who can afford aluminium better than we can, knock together a beautiful wooden aircraft that every piano factory over there is building, and they give it a speed which they have now increased yet again. What do you make of that? There is nothing the British do not have. They have the geniuses and we have the nincompoops. After the war is over I'm going to buy a British radio set - then at least I'll own something that has always worked. ”

USA view:
In April 1940, U.S. Army Air Forces General Hap Arnold brought to the U.S. a complete set of Mosquito blueprints, which were sent to five American aircraft manufacturers for comment. All were contemptuous of the British design, none more so than Beechcraft, which reported back, “This airplane has sacrificed serviceability, structural strength, ease of construction and flying characteristics in an attempt to use construction material that is not suitable for the manufacture of efficient airplanes.” Beech couldn’t have gotten it more wrong if they had tried.

The science:
Wood is a composite, just as are the carbon/graphite-fiber materials used to make much of a Boeing 787 Dreamliner, and wood has the same qualities of strength, suppleness and light weight. Both wood and modern composites consist of tiny fibers suspended in a cellulose or polymer carrier

Modern video, and sound track:
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Thats it ( Göring ) the main idea was, that every mom and dad shop should be able to make parts, from a shed out back to larger more professional factories / companies.
Something the Germans also tried when just about everyone was bombing them night and day.
He was more annoyed by our use of wood, when we had plenty of aluminium and he couldn't source enough aluminium:

Goering to representatives of the German aircraft industry on 13
September 1942.

Look at the enemy. I should really like to know what you would have
said if I had given you the task two years ago of producing a fast bomber
out of wood. You would probably have asked: "How can such a thing
be built of wood?" The British are building one out of wood today. It
is naturally much less complicated, but it is fast and a constant annoyance
to me. It is quite a primitive thing, and there is not much aluminium in
it, but it has such a high speed that our aircraft can only attack it from
favourable positions. God knows how happy I should have been if one
of you gentlemen could have built me a wooden aircraft capable of the
performance we demanded."

Goering at a conference on problems of aircraft production, on 18
March 1943,
"the British .... built a wooden aircraft at the right moment, which,
moreover, is almost incredibly superior and unrivalled in speed. Today
these aircraft stooge back and forth over Germany, sometimes on
reconnaissance, but at others not hesitating to carry out very heavy
attacks without incurring the slightest loss."
NASA / SpaceX launch humans from US soil in 3.5 hours, personally i am not going to miss this. (y)
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NASA / SpaceX launch humans from US soil in 3.5 hours, personally i am not going to miss this. (y)
"Space suits: If they look like something from a science fiction movie, that's probably because their look was devised by Hollywood costume designer Jose Fernandez, who has worked on the Batman, X-Men and Thor movies." - BBC

Not sure if it should be taken seriously, it's almost as if nobody has flown to space before, yet people have been traveling there regularly since last century.

Once Trump doesn't need Russia as a taxi service anymore, what is he going to do?
What is "Ivan" / Putin going to do ?
What is "Ivan" / Putin going to do ?
Drop the launch price and put Trump/Musk out of business?
I imagine the Russian space transport will still have enough customers to survive even if all the USA business goes to Musk.

I will take a look outside at 9:45ish and wave if I see them!
Astronaut Tim Peake said the rocket will be visible to Britons looking south-west at the time of takeoff: 9:33pm UK-time.
NASA / SpaceX launch humans from US soil in 3.5 hours, personally i am not going to miss this. (y)
Well I saw the International Space Station come over, but there was no dragon following it :unsure:
No launch got canceled 17 min before launch, now scheduled to go up on Saturday.
No launch got canceled 17 min before launch, now scheduled to go up on Saturday.
Looks like they will come over in daylight on Saturday though, so we won't be able to see the latter stages of launch?
It would be cool if it was something that could be times with the strato clouds we see these days ( high thin cloud being lit from below, and also halos.

taken at 1:47 this morning.


super high clouds -100 to -200 degrees C up there.
It would be cool if it was something that could be times with the strato clouds we see these days
The dragon might be visible to you on Saturday, I think for you it will be close to sunset time, the dragon rising over the setting sun, probably have difficulty picking it out since the main rocket will have landed again by then and the rest is small, and I think it is probably the wrong side of sunset - worth checking when someone works it out...
Those wonderful Aussies :LOL: :rolleyes:

she's one of our national embarrassments, means well, but struggles to make a point
Another unqualified politician!

At least make them pass a basic test of general knowledge and intelligence before they are allowed to stand!

... Opps, on checking, she is qualified:
Qualifications and occupation before entering Federal Parliament
  • Mother of four.
  • Sentenced to three years imprisonment for electoral fraud.
Another unqualified politician!

At least make them pass a basic test of general knowledge and intelligence before they are allowed to stand!

... Opps, on checking, she is qualified:
she ran a fish and chip shop before entering parliament, to be fair I think the electoral fraud was a setup, doesn't excuse her lack of smarts though
well i would prefer a politician that have at least tried to work, but maybe not be all that smart, over one that never really tried to work but sure do know how to look out for #1 and his friends.

Denmark got a new party yesterday named the happiness party, formed by a former MP from another party, so not a person i will be able to trust.
But if some well meaning hillbilly formed a party i would have to give him serious considerations, cuz i do like to vote but i am all over the old parties and members of those.

Here is the Happiness Party Democratic program:

1. The Prime Minister must be found outside the parties and the political system. The parties behind the government base appoint an experienced leader as a candidate for the prime minister post. Upon acceptance of the nomination, the leader must ensure the best possible and least politicized implementation of the governmental basis - for the benefit of all of Denmark.
2. If a member of the parliament is appointed minister, he or she must resign permanently by the parliament during the current term and be replaced by a deputy. If the Minister is subsequently replaced by a new Minister, the outgoing Minister cannot return to the Parliament.
3. For each ministerial office, the Prime Minister shall present three nominees nominated by the Government-bearing parties. The Minister is elected from among the three candidates by a vote in the Parliament. To achieve elections as a minister, a general majority is required. If neither candidate achieves a majority on the first ballot, a new ballot is made among the two candidates with the most votes.
4. The Prime Minister's opportunity to print parliamentary elections, according to the opinion polls, must be abolished. Parliamentary elections must take place every four years on a fixed date.
5. The remuneration commission's recommendations should come into force in a modified and updated form as promised by previous governments so that politicians do not de facto determine their own pay and pension terms.
6. Bills and political proposals from the government must be communicated fairly, so that they do not appear better than they are. Above all, there must be openness about the pages and known deficiencies.
7. If a minister is unknowingly lied to or lied to by the government - indisputably and fully deliberately - the minister must resign after a party has made a declaration of mistrust. This is effected by voting in the parliamentary hall, where at least 33 percent of the members must vote.
8. Urgent legislation must be limited so that the legislative process can be accelerated only in cases where it is absolutely necessary for the security of the nation. All emergency legislation must be passed by a qualified majority (2/3) and must include a sunset clause of a maximum of one year.
9. The immunity of the MPs must be revoked.
10. The geographical spread of the MPs must be promoted through the use of technology. It should be possible to perform as many work tasks as possible without physical attendance. Including participation in parliamentary debates, committee meetings, etc. Voting in the parliamentary hall must be possible digitally, as long as at least one member of a party is present in the hall and can correct that the digital vote corresponds to the one that the party colleague has previously stated as his choice.
11. A parliamentary member may participate in a maximum of two international committee trips annually, unless it is done at his own expense. Ministers and party leaders are exempt.
12. Each member of parliament must participate in a 3-week internship each year within a politically relevant area for each member of parliament.
13. Members of parliament and ministers must attend one of two possible development days each year, the purpose of which is to promote cooperation, for example. through sports, play, leadership and communication exercises, across parties.
14. Any article published in a media on the basis of a request from a party or a politician must include the media declaration stating the source.
15. A common knowledge base and expert overview must be established for all disciplines, so that it is not the network, party size, experience, etc. that determines whether the individual elected representatives have access to relevant information and information.
16. The lobby register must be reinstated.
17. The Public Law must be adapted so that it cannot be used for darkening cases or documents.
18. There must be increased transparency and transparency regarding contributions to political parties, candidates and voters' associations. All cash contributions over DKK 2,400 annually as well as other services and gifts of similar value (eg paid ads, travel, free car, choice material, etc.) must be publicly available stating the donor, the recipient and the value of the contribution. For contributions from organizations and companies, this applies regardless of the amount.
19. Transparency must be ensured around organizations and companies that participate in public councils and commissions, so that the public can at all times see what interests the organization's financial basis rests on.
20. The parliamentary group support is reduced at the 2016 level, so that politicians must cooperate more and seek knowledge outside of party politics and with the parliamentary non-partisan employees. The saved amount is invested in a continuous reinforcement of precisely the parliament's expert and committee competencies.