Pics that make you smile

Suddenly i think of this classic.

SO ! What would you little maniac's like to do first ? :love:
Some people seriously think skynet did what it did to protect itself, but thats totally wrong, skynet did what it did cuz robot life matter too.

Chinese problem solving.


And finally something to link to of the conversation in here get sidetracked.
Right across the street there also ia s school, and i swear to god a little girl run around over there speaking English,,,,,, proper full blown English better than mine, i am pretty sure she moved here from the US.
But i dont get she speak English during recess and her classmates get it cuz i dont think they are old enough to have English class.
And kids are so loud :eek: so i can pretty much hear everything she say though she are 20 - 25 M away from my open window.
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that company had a meeting, and it went something like this:

Boss: hold times are through the roof. what can we do to bring them down?
emp1: hire more phone staff?
emp2: set up an auto-callback function?
emp3: change the number so people can't call in?
emp4: hold my beer.
in my recent inspection of my car, my brake disks was 0.1 mm within the legal thickness.
So i will replace them soon, and not in 6 years.

And really changing brake disks, it is just about one of the most easy things to do on a car, but of course kids today dont learn gear head from the parents or who ever they can.
I had to learn from strangers, cuz my father dident even have a license.
in my recent inspection of my car, my brake disks was 0.1 mm within the legal thickness.
So i will replace them soon, and not in 6 years.

And really changing brake disks, it is just about one of the most easy things to do on a car, but of course kids today dont learn gear head from the parents or who ever they can.
I had to learn from strangers, cuz my father dident even have a license.
On some (Honda, Mercedes, BMW, others) it's a pain because they install a screw through the rotor hat to secure it to the hub. Often it requires a hand impact to remove - if you use a regular screwdriver it almost always strips the head, making it even worse to remove. And then there's the ones where the wheel bearings are incorporated into the rotor, so it's messy to repack those bearings and easy to mess up setting brewing tension. Those (with bearings) are the most common to be neglected in my experience since they're more expensive in both parts and labor. Thankfully more companies are going to sealed bearings and floating rotors, making things cheaper and easier to work on.
I think that little SOB screw have always been there on EURO / JAP cars, so a manual impact driver are a must have for any gear head over here.
I changed the pads last year and the rotor looked like it was going to be a cake walk, but now i probably just jinxed myself.

On my Opel in the 90ties it was a cake walk but of course back then my driving was so bad and aggressive i almost changed rotors every year, and pads twice.
A mile or 2 driving in a urban environment, and when i arrived i had brake fading and smoke billowing out my wheel arches,,,,,,,,, a real idiot i was. :oops:
Funny enough i have never had the need to exchange / fix a clutch or transmission on any of my cars.
On some (Honda, Mercedes, BMW, others) it's a pain because they install a screw through the rotor hat to secure it to the hub.
I've got them on mine, but they are not a problem as long as you don't ever tighten them, they are not there to secure the rotor, only to stop it falling off while you put the wheel on, it is the wheel and wheel nuts that secures it.
Yeah a simple little thing, plenty of copper grease also help in it not getting stuck.
As a former mechanic myself, I've actually seen some of these things in person. Scary.

Saw that one just after it published and left some commentary. Gotta love the 'frameless' pickup :ROFLMAO: Friends from up north tell me that frames can rust and break like that from salted roads :oops:

Indeed, my friends first land rover, one of the old 88" wheelbase, well after i was done welding repair parts into the ladder frame only 1 M or so was left of the original, THB i think it would have been more easy to just get a whole new frame.
And it was crooked as a SOB as i / we more or less eyeballed it, but it passed inspection just fine several times after that.
The weldup was done in a 1 car garage ( and my that i mean room for 1 car and about 1 - 2 foot clearence on the sides of it, and with a sloping and messed up "floor" that might as well have been a dirt floor in a old cow stable or something.