Pics that make you smile

If you feel like getting your Beowolf on ( clothing might be a good idea ) then you can do that in Denmark now
Today our queen opened a reconstruction of one of the largest Danish " king halls" ever unearthed here.

I think you can actually book a viking summer holiday and spend a few weeks living the viking life,,,,,,,, if you are cut out for it.

Maybe not at the kings hall, but plenty of houses for for the regular viking there.

Danish police are paying back 456 people they fined for speeding, the police apparently assumed where they did the measurement the speed limit was 60 km/h, but the actual speed limit are 80 km/h
Now something like this is what i would expect from some 3 world country, and it happening here pretty much infuriate me quite a bit.

I mean come on, if anyone should know of traffic and the rules and laws that guide it, i would assume the police was the right kind of people to ask. :rolleyes:
That's one of the benefits of a dashcam- you can show what signs were there (or not) as you drive along. Here in the US you wouldn't see that kind of 'refund', what would happen is that each person would have to go fight their own case and at best you'd get only the fine back then- you have to file a separate suit to recoup any related expenses. It's part of the 'qualified immunity' thing we've got here- Cops don't have to know anything, all they have to do is say they believed something and state what that belief was based on. If there is one shred of reason in their belief they are off the hook. Even if they were clearly wrong nothing happens to them to prevent a recurrence :mad: And more sadly our Supreme Court just refused to hear a case based on this which means the wrongful level of 'qualified immunity' here continues unabated :cry:

As I've always said, things will be right only when every individual is held individually responsible for their actions and lack thereof with no exceptions ;)

So bootleggers are okay too ?

Naughty burgers! Checked, it's there on my phone... I've not installed anything to do with covid-19 tracking yet!

O they could turn off my phone for half a day and i would not notice it :)

Naughty burgers! Checked, it's there on my phone... I've not installed anything to do with covid-19 tracking yet!

Not quite as nefarious as some would like you to believe.

First off it require BT to be on, but my BT are only on when i use my dji osmo action camera with the phone ( which is rare )
same with many a wifi thing, i am sorry to say but my phone wifi are used just as rare, and surely not on by default cuz i an just crazy not insane.
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Not quite as nefarious as some would like you to believe.

yeah you still need an app for it to actually do anything, it's only the framework required, doesn't stop the conspiracy nutters running with the evil overlord narrative though, my Facebook newsfeed was full of that this morning :rolleyes:
yeah you still need an app for it to actually do anything, it's only the framework required, doesn't stop the conspiracy nutters running with the evil overlord narrative though, my Facebook newsfeed was full of that this morning :rolleyes:
I've heard that having an operating system on your phone is part of the conspiracy. :giggle:
I've heard that having an operating system on your phone is part of the conspiracy. :giggle:
We really need to quit calling them 'phones' and name them what they really are - hand held computers with the ability to take photos, videos, connect to the internet for email/social media, texting and occasionally make a voice call. People then might start using them properly with the proper safeguards - or maybe not since that doesn't happen with other computers either. :(

I suggest the acronym HHCWTHATTPVCTTITAMAVC - or HHC for short. ;)
even i a extremely casual user probably use my devise more as a computer than a phone, okay my friend sadly still insist in monumental long phone calls ( like +30 minutes some times )
But i most often get my news fix by reading on the phone, and that i do every day, some times even more times a day, on average i only get or make a phone call every 4 days or so.

One day i am sure it will be named the addiction it is for many people.
Well I'm the odd man out as usual :cool:

Phone calls and text messages constitute 95%+ of what i normally* use my phone for. And you'll never find FOMO involving me, nor any 'social media' stuff. What people do not seem to be able to understand is that this is MY phone and I WILL use it ONLY in the way I want to regardless of what they want or think. You do likewise, just leave me out of your mess :cautious:

You want me to do differently? OK then, you buy me a phone which does that, pay for the service, pay for the electricity to charge it, and don't bitcomplain when I leave the extra baggage which I don't need in the truck or on my desk where it can't bother me :p You also get to pay for repairs when it breaks and I can promise that will happen as I'll be tossing the da#& thing across the room often as it disturbs me and my peaceful life unnecessarily :devilish:

You still want me to do things your way? Yeah, that's what I thought :ROFLMAO: Smartphones are the very best and the very worst thing that the 20th century brought us. Which one they are to you is totally your choice. The vast majority of people have chosen wrong :cry:

*Disclaimer: I did use it as a hotspot when I was bugged out in the hills, but that was a very exceptional situation caused only by me not having any other means of internet access, and even then I used my laptop, not my phone, to do the actual work.

A local bakery has an interesting name... Especially considering that Texas is NOT one of the states that have legalized weed.

Then there's this: a golf ball sized cantaloupe growing in my garden. Didn't expect it to actually bear fruit but hey I'll take it!