Pics that make you smile

I have made it a rule that when i buy a plastic back for my shopping, i say i need something my kids can swim in when they get old.
That have raised a few brows over time. :)

Finding plastic hell even glass on beaches are so much more easy than finding amber.

Look at the bright side. When global warming starts to make a serious impact on sea level, your kids will have plastic islands to make flotation devices! Monty Python will sing those praise!

Aaa life of me as i call that movie.
I often sing that song when i am down in my car.
well it end up fine for Dan, with kevlar legs and shares in some fruit company, and a Asian wife :cool:
That just prove, that when you get to terms with your honor, good things are waiting for you.
Hmmmm- "Sky News". Why am I not surprised in the way it's being presented :(

Some times i can have fun with media, also like FOX lately pasting a AR carrying guy into pictures from Seattle, just to emphasis something, dont get me wrong the guy is there alright, but bad form to Photoshop him into places where he wasent.
IMO media should only be allowed to present 2 negative news every hour, though taking government to media like that are also not a good thing to do, but it would be a funny exercise in what news would then be instead.
You have to remember the role of the media is NOT to report news - it's to garner readers and viewers. They do that with 'doom and gloom' stories and sensationalist headlines. It's all about the advertising dollars (or euros, yen, pesos, etc.) which is driven directly by the number of viewers and readers.
Now thata s proper museum, the Danish version would probably just have some colored plastic flames moving aided by a fan
Nice try inferior humans.


I never get over vanta black.

The closest humans will get a black hole for a very very long time.
The stuff actually absorb up to 99.965% of visible light, so you could argue in that way it is a black hole.
I saw a video of a guy faking vanta black, he just used a cardboard box painted black inside and then with a hole in it, that also ate up any light the threw at it.


saying it with math.