Pics that make you smile

We always need to keep perspective.

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Hell, during the evacuation for hurricane Ike, I drove for 8 hours and was still in Harris county (Houston area)! At that point I only had a little over 1/4 tank left (crappy gas mileage due to slow traffic + pulling trailer), and all stations were empty and closed, so I turned around at the next exit and went home. That took a whopping 30 minutes. :rolleyes::banghead::vomit:

But under normal conditions, I've also driven 10 hours (including fuel/food stops) and still been in texas - Houston to Amarillo. And then the next day it was still another 2 hrs to the TX/NM border. We do that trip every other year to visit my dad in Colorado.

Also this :ROFLMAO:

But as luck would have it, when I searched for the above image, I also found this one:
Dude almost got his neck snapped. :eek:

I have been kicked similarly but not as hard by my karate student-instructor. His nickname was "Rubber-Legs" because he could sneak kicks into almost everyone as if his legs could bend around a defense. Long time ago and now I wish I'd stayed with it.

Hell, during the evacuation for hurricane Ike, I drove for 8 hours and was still in Harris county (Houston area)! At that point I only had a little over 1/4 tank left (crappy gas mileage due to slow traffic + pulling trailer), and all stations were empty and closed, so I turned around at the next exit and went home. That took a whopping 30 minutes. :rolleyes::banghead::vomit:

But under normal conditions, I've also driven 10 hours (including fuel/food stops) and still been in texas - Houston to Amarillo. And then the next day it was still another 2 hrs to the TX/NM border. We do that trip every other year to visit my dad in Colorado.

Also this :ROFLMAO:

But as luck would have it, when I searched for the above image, I also found this one:
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Texas was once a Nation unto itself, and had it not needed more manpower to keep the Mexican army back it probably would have stayed that way. It has one cattle ranch bigger than an entire State (King Ranch and Rhode Island). "Big" has an entirely different meaning in Texas :cool:

Well if just it would run into the holding pen, then it is practicing the follow me approach VS the force sheep in a direction approach.
Should be more easy for the header to manage VS all the whistling it take to use the force sheep in a direction mode.
You gotta speak some Mexican to understand the above post ;)

I dont understand the long time fab with calling ones girl or any girl for that matter bitch / whore or putah, if i was a girl i would have none of that, and if i had a girlfriend and someone called her that, he would have to answer to me.
I think it is the rap culture, where it is all in the mouth.
It is a 7 year old fermented ear plug from the shooting range.

You know like when people see Jesus in a piece of toast ASO