Pics that make you smile

In Norway that is 100 USD worth of salami,,,,,, Crazy people up there.
And those 2 is the lucky ones, they was able to swim, so just turn head up 90 degrees and the hind legs 90 degrees backwards and shrinking in the time to come, and hey presto you have a crocodile.
The National public broadcast station here, the one you are forced to pay to, have always had a very strong socialist bias, i am sick and tired being forced to pay for those commies, and even more so now i dont even have a TV i can see them on.
But as i have a cell phone, and also internet at over 300 kbit speed, then i am forced to pay up the 2000 or so DKkr a year :mad:

Just one proof of many there is something terribly wrong in Denmark, i can only assume it is due to the Americans know we are gullible easy manipulated fools they have anything to do with commies like us.
The National public broadcast station here, the one you are forced to pay to, have always had a very strong socialist bias, i am sick and tired being forced to pay for those commies, and even more so now i dont even have a TV i can see them on.
But as i have a cell phone, and also internet at over 300 kbit speed, then i am forced to pay up the 2000 or so DKkr a year :mad:

Just one proof of many there is something terribly wrong in Denmark, i can only assume it is due to the Americans know we are gullible easy manipulated fools they have anything to do with commies like us.
Americans have to pay similar stupid taxes. If I am poor and buy telephone service I have to pay a fee (taxes) to give a free phone to someone else who may have a bigger income than I do.
Americans have to pay similar stupid taxes. If I am poor and buy telephone service I have to pay a fee (taxes) to give a free phone to someone else who may have a bigger income than I do.

That's just not true. If you are poor in the US you can gain access to the Lifeline Program for Low-Income Consumers which is a discount (rebate) on your phone bill. The program is funded by the Universal Service Fund which everyone pays into with a small fee on their monthly phone bill. If you are a recipient of the Lifeline program you don't get charged the fee. A newer version of the program helps low income consumers afford internet service and mobile.
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Hehe poor bastards. :LOL:
Well for conservatives that promise are easy to keep, just redefine in the dictionary what a poor is, and hey presto problem fixed for free.
And the board for the dictionary are probably cram full of conservatives so should be a breeze.

The me too stuff have girl grabbing politicians falling by the wayside here, pretty cool so see them fall.
Our current foreign minister, well 12 years ago he had sex with a girl that just turned 15 a few days before, and at the time was 19 years younger than him, it was swept in under the rug then, but the cat is out of the bag again.
I have no idea how anyone can trust a party ( social democrats ) that shelter a creep like that.
The Mayor of Copenhagen also just resigned, seem like he like to feel girls up too, also a social democrat