Pics that make you smile

Thats probably one of the best videos on youtube.
Or the other way around, though thats probably not as bad due to historical reasons.

Everyone is looking for a reason to be offended / outraged today, just saw Mongolia is expecting a excuse from some angry cyclist calling another cyclist a idiot and mongol

Which is also used here in Denmark to illustrate that the person you say it about is as problematic as a person suffering from Mongolian idiocy / Mongolism, what we today call downs syndrome.
It have nothing to do with the Country or the unfortunate people suffering from this decease, it just mean that you are having a very unfortunate / unexpected reaction to something.
Like say your pants leg are on fire, and you try to dowse it with kerosene, then you are a mongol,,,,,,, not the people of the Asian steps or people with a mental decease.

So our forefathers used unfortunate names for some things, at least today we know better, hell i some times call myself a honkie as i think it is a funny name black people have come up with for white people, i know most black people will judge me on what i say and do and not the color of my skin. ( at least i hope so )
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You have to wonder what the reaction would be if a white chick put black makeup on her face as a costume... nah, nevermind...

It was nothing at all like a white person putting on blackface. That's their real skin tone and that was the whole point. For Halloween they were satirizing Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the wealthy St. Louis couple who brandished guns at BLM protesters who walked past their house.

stlouisrichcouple.jpg second_amendment.jpg
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I would probably had my AR15 and other stuff out too, factoring in the MO of these BLM crowds and associated people.
But not sure i would have been standing guard on my front porch like that.
And i would for sure have looked like i was familiar with holding my weapon, those 2 dident come off like that to me.

I do very much like the mini & micro M134.

I am hard pressed to think of a better way to spend a few 1000 USD in ammo.
No words how a big smile some trigger time on something like that would put on my face. :) the corner of my eye might even be a little wet.
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As with so many other things, it is a matter of perspective.

Consensus now seem to be, that even in the very early universe after things had settled down a little, the overall temperature in the universe would have been like on a summer day, and by then planets would easy have been able to form, and so not needing a parent star to sustain life, or the compounds ( water ) we associate with life.
So the argument now is, life could also very well have existed then, also intelligent life, so imagine if a a civilization from then managed not to kill them self but just progress nice and slowly, if they was not wiped out by unforeseen things imagine what such a civilization could be / do today, billions of years later.
Some also think, such a civilization might have forgone physical living, and gone all binary sort of living in VR,,,,,, and we could be that civilization though i then argue why dont we remember our early life from before or just after we went all VR / binary.
But i assume there are some paradoxes to living forever even if it is a virtual life.

I just love when someone / some thing send my brain running screaming down some path, even if all i know is i am running, BECUZ math sure as hell is not my strong side, i know of stuff like the Drake equation ASO and also what is is assumed to tell if you can put the right numbers into it, but smart people say 10.000, and more optimistic people say 1 million so i guess even the smart guys that do know math know just about as little as i do.
hehe voting malfunction.
Previous election here, i dident want to vote, but i figured ill go and get my ballot to use for target practice, that did not go over well and my ballot ended up as confetti instead without getting shredded by lead.
Last time i did vote, and seemingly no one recognized me :)
hehe voting malfunction.
Previous election here, i dident want to vote, but i figured ill go and get my ballot to use for target practice, that did not go over well and my ballot ended up as confetti instead without getting shredded by lead.
Last time i did vote, and seemingly no one recognized me :)

Maybe this guy was shooting his ballot too? :playful:
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Next time i am not voting i will bring dummy paper to put in the box, with all the names on a Danish ballot a 10 mm smily face sticker for each name will make a excellent 50 M target.
Taking a pic of it was also a option but as a ballot here are like A4 wide, but around as tall of 3 of them, getting it printed in 1 go will be a problem, and i cant be bothered with tape.

BUT ! there are new parties here, so i will probably be able to vote the next 2 - 3 times, so thats nice as i am pro democracy
Next time i am not voting i will bring dummy paper to put in the box, with all the names on a Danish ballot a 10 mm smily face sticker for each name will make a excellent 50 M target.
Taking a pic of it was also a option but as a ballot here are like A4 wide, but around as tall of 3 of them, getting it printed in 1 go will be a problem, and i cant be bothered with tape.

BUT ! there are new parties here, so i will probably be able to vote the next 2 - 3 times, so thats nice as i am pro democracy
Vote for the best: Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Minnie Mouse, and the rest of the best...