Pics that make you smile

The predicament are the same here, though we have like 12 parties on the ballot, CUZ they are still red or blue and just play ball as votes allow them to.
I cant recall ever a coalition government getting overthrown by a member party, like i think it was the Swedes not long ago, they went on for many - many months without a actual government.

And i think as much as seeking influence for your party, you are just as obliged to topple governments too, as " if you cant join them, beat them"

A few elections ago a party called Danish peoples party got a land slide election, but they did not use the power given to then, just sad on the sideline whining not in government and not in opposition, and now that party are cut down to 1/3 size compared to then, and they probably get even smaller in the next election.
And serve them right i think.
Like this :cool:

I could probably work with Alexa.

Who comes up with this stuff?

Kids look at challenges from a perspective without limits before learning that limits exist.

This story reminds me of a story grandfather told many years ago. A truck drove into a bridge and being to tall got stuck in place. Engineers, police officers, and others were trying to figure out how to get the truck unstuck. A little boy comes up and asks "Why not let the air out of the tires"? Sometimes looking at a problem through a simple lens generates brilliant solutions.
For me to interact with a girl, her phone time would have to match mine, and i am on the phone less then 10 minutes every day.
In this day when connectivity is so easy and common, we all have friends all over the world- but most people cannot tell you the names of the people living beside them, nor do we know if they have any needs we might help with. Smartphones are the best and worst invention ever depending on how we use them, and most people aren't using them well :(

I have no idea what people above / below / beside me are named, but i do say hi when we meet in the stairwell, and i am also at the ready if anyone need some form of assistance.
But i dont think my phone are to blame for that, i have never had the slightest interest in the names of people, so for instance when i was sailing getting the know the names of the other 15 - 16 people on the ship was a problem and often i only learned it just before that person disengaged the ship.

Names are secondary to me, how they behave are much more important to me, and i would rather be around a nice,,,,,, "hey dude" VS a not nice "hey Joe"
Actually i also respond better to my nick name than i do my actual name, and where i have worked i have always tried my best to get people to call me by my nick name VS my real name, but some always refuse and call me silly for that.
And thats okay too, but i will call anyone what ever they like to be called, it is their choice i must respect.
Better that than a big neural neuralyzer up there.

Even if many things happned in NYC most people would rather forget,,,,,,, but thankfully we humans dont need a memory reset to do that.
I kind of like what Kayne did- not that I'd want him for President. He's showing us that our current political system is a mockery and a mess where people do not vote on the issues, but instead vote for whoever they like the most :rolleyes: Or they vote based on a single issue, whether actual or perceived, without considering anything further :cautious: Can you imagine the chaos which would ensue if we had a President who was neither a Democrat or Republican? :eek: I honestly think that we need that kind of a shake-up to wake the people up so they will see things more clearly, or at least get the job of destroying our political system done with quickly so that we can start over and do a better job of things the next time around :cool:

Sometimes it takes a subversive approach to get what you want, and if nothing else seems to be working then it's probably the best way to go. And what we've got clearly isn't working for the benefit of the average American who is doing no better today than they were 20 years ago :cry: Next election we should all vote for the Donner Party and let the blues and reds eat each other alive till there's none of them left :LOL::p

...Next election we should all vote for the Donner Party and let the blues and reds eat each other alive till there's none of them left :LOL::p
I've been of the belief for a long time now that every ballot should be pre-printed with "None of the Above" as an option for every office. If "None of the Above" wins then a new election for the office in question would take place with every candidate on the original ballot declared ineligible to run. I have no idea what subtle unintended consequences might arise but this would hopefully put an end to voting for the lessor of evils and encourage the political parties to put forward candidates with less extremist positions.

I first became aware of this approach some years ago when we had a mayor running unopposed who, just prior to the election, made a series of bad decisions (both personal and professional). Those actions let to a grass roots campaign to write in "None of the Above" to force a new election. The number of votes cast for "None of the Above" was never published but people I spoke to at the clerk's office said it was a lot.
I kind of like what Kayne did- not that I'd want him for President. He's showing us that our current political system is a mockery and a mess where people do not vote on the issues, but instead vote for whoever they like the most :rolleyes: Or they vote based on a single issue, whether actual or perceived, without considering anything further :cautious: Can you imagine the chaos which would ensue if we had a President who was neither a Democrat or Republican? :eek: I honestly think that we need that kind of a shake-up to wake the people up so they will see things more clearly, or at least get the job of destroying our political system done with quickly so that we can start over and do a better job of things the next time around :cool:

Sometimes it takes a subversive approach to get what you want, and if nothing else seems to be working then it's probably the best way to go. And what we've got clearly isn't working for the benefit of the average American who is doing no better today than they were 20 years ago :cry: Next election we should all vote for the Donner Party and let the blues and reds eat each other alive till there's none of them left :LOL::p


Well, no, Kanye West wasn't showing us that our political system is a mockery, he was literally being part of the mockery. Kanye is a friend and supporter of Trump and the whole plan was apparently to siphon black voters away from the Biden campaign. Kanye's quixotic presidential bid was encouraged and guided by Republican operatives and attorneys.

