Pics that make you smile

More than 1 in 10 kids in Denmark are not made in the traditional way.

Apparently we are so dumb now, we cant even screw :LOL:
I think my friend have that sign too, but going there here,,,,,, well you as a home owner have to operate far outside the norm here,,,,,,, and i will encourage that any day of the week.
I saw trump showboating telling he got several 100 mollion dollars in debt cancelled, claiming he is that good.

I am sorry Mr. President, but not paying what you owe, that is a hallmark of a extremely un-classy person, surely not one i would hang around.
It is a matter of honor my good man.
I saw trump showboating telling he got several 100 mollion dollars in debt cancelled, claiming he is that good.

I am sorry Mr. President, but not paying what you owe, that is a hallmark of a extremely un-classy person, surely not one i would hang around.
It is a matter of honor my good man.

Well, Trump has been a literal fire hose of lies on the campaign trail (recent rally in Wisconsin was typical. In 90 minutes, President Trump made 131 false or inaccurate statements.) so, his claim about getting a 100 million dollars in debt cancelled is likely false too. Still, I wonder how that plays with the average guy in the rally audience who is up to his eyeballs in car and house payments, maybe out of a job due to the Covid pandemic and knows he will never get his debt cancelled?
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I wonder how that plays with the average guy in the rally audience who is up to his eyeballs in car and house payments, maybe out of a job due to the Covid pandemic and knows he will never get his debt cancelled?
The average guy knows about bankruptcy.
I see someone else brain like to play with words too. :LOL:

I never say alcohol, i say legalized state drug CUZ it is addictive but quite okay to consume in great amounts as long as you dont operate a vehicle, and here it cost society more than the 2-3 most popular illegal drugs combined.

I can not say in public what my brain name this guy.


But since yesterday he is wanted by police for with his car killing a 5 year old girl on a sidewalk and severely wounding her mother.
I cant even say what i feel society should do with people like that, CUZ what i feel in this regard is wayyyyyyy more than what bleeding heard Danes are willing to accept.
But i do know, my way would actually work, but that do not seem to be what most people here want, they are looking for convenient and easy,,,, but that rarely fix anything.

Even though you didn't say what you want, I totally agree. When they're in the ground they can't kill or harm anyone else ever again. The decision to get wasted (whether it's alcohol, pot, crack, etc) and drive is just as much a conscious decision as pointing a gun at someone and pulling the trigger, and it should be treated the same way.

That said, murder penalties are obviously not high enough to deter them from happening so something needs to change.

Back on "topic"...


a6Ke9xR_460s (1).jpg
Now thats a modern sports car i would not mind being seen in :eek:(y)
