Pics that make you smile

I've been of the belief for a long time now that every ballot should be pre-printed with "None of the Above" as an option for every office. If "None of the Above" wins then a new election for the office in question would take place with every candidate on the original ballot declared ineligible to run. I have no idea what subtle unintended consequences might arise but this would hopefully put an end to voting for the lessor of evils and encourage the political parties to put forward candidates with less extremist positions.

I first became aware of this approach some years ago when we had a mayor running unopposed who, just prior to the election, made a series of bad decisions (both personal and professional). Those actions let to a grass roots campaign to write in "None of the Above" to force a new election. The number of votes cast for "None of the Above" was never published but people I spoke to at the clerk's office said it was a lot.
I am given to understand that something like this is done in Russia, and was even done while Communism was intact. I do like the idea of being able to reject candidates as well as supporting them. I'm all for empowering the people to get what they want regardless of what is being offered to them (y)

And it was widely known about the Trump connection with Kayne, who in the past had primarily supported Democratic candidates, sometimes quite heavily- that's the mockery and mess angle :( It is but one of several techniques used to manipulate voting which aren't always readily apparent or widely spoken of such as "spoiling" and "splitting" which can and do happen in many US elections right down to local levels. Methods such as "ranked balloting" are becoming more common as a way to combat the problem.

What is clear is that the people are not in power nor does the current system allow that to happen, which I am certain wasn't the intention of our Founding Fathers. Anything which brings us closer to making the changes we need to empower the people is to me a good thing, even if it causes trouble otherwise.

In Denmark 40% of people expect no response / help if they call the police, and optimism along with happiness are off the chart here, so 40% are low-balling.
And police also actively say that some thing are low priority.
If your home or company get broken into, police will do nothing unless you have lost values totaling 100.000 DKkr at least, regular violence are also low priority so unless you can tell the police who rearranged your face nothing will happen.
Sadly all this just mean good honest hard working Danes will be even more victimized, and me i absolutely do not understand people will take that, personally i am outraged, and that is putting it very diplomatically on a public forum.
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Yeah time to stock up on big motors - go juice and guns :)
It have been a while, but come to think about it, that nightrider fellow, dident he have a Scandinavian accent :)

Come to think about it, old films about a dystopian future, mad max would probably be one of them that hit closest to home, Blade runner was set in 2019, and about as far from home as you will ever get.
Some bugs from today:





I saw there have been a few add-ons to the tally to mammals in Australia.


As far as i know it dont spit acid or kill you by just uttering its name
Somehow I don't think that pic would go over well for advertising today :cautious:

Hope they like it. Kids in my extended family enjoy board games- we adults have made them part of every family gathering and it's grown on them :) But they do have their electronic games too.

I remember playing battleship with my father when i was a child, vivid like so many things from then.
Me in my top bed in the bunk bed with the 1 box shelf with orange back board, and my father lying in his / moms sofa bed on the other side of the bedroom as we was living in a 2 room apartment.
I also remember my father making the playing fields on grit paper, and not using the copier at his work , TBH i dont even thing he ever contemplated copying some papers with the playing fields, so every game started with him / us making the playing field.
He also taught me how to play chess of course.
I learned chess from my dad too, however he stopped playing me when I began regularly beating him. I was 8 or 9 year old at that point :D I still do OK for a non-ranked player.

I learned chess from my dad too, however he stopped playing me when I began regularly beating him. I was 8 or 9 year old at that point :D I still do OK for a non-ranked player.


The Queens Gambit is an incredible new Netflix mini series. 10/10 A+
You don’t have to like chess even it’s just her super power. Child prodigy etc.
And ! A pretty chess player at that :love:
Just had 2 cars crash right down on the street in front of my window.
sadly i dont have the CCTV gear up and running so no live apartment cam, just a photo.