Pics that make you smile

I have watched the mandalorian series, S01 the naughty way, and S02 at my sisters place when i wait for her to get the bloody food ready and i sit on the couch with my feet up like a real man :)

I dont knoow about you guys, but i find smart TV and navigating streaming services extremely aggravating,,,,, and slow VS flow TV.
Ooooooo came in a bit fast that one :eek: but flight attitude ASO looked bang on, still amazing if you ask me.
Always wondered why various return vehicles dont start tumbling when entering the atmosphere, they are after all not that aerodynamic designed.
that was an amazing first attempt! !!
It looked surprisingly stable while descending and possible one of the raptors didn't fire properly to slowdown for a soft landing .
Im sure they have plenty of useful data to make the necessary improvements.
Musk said there was a 1 in 3 chance of the prototype landing intact.

Within the last 30 minutes or so Elon Musk has been posting on Twitter.

"Fuel header tank pressure was low during landing burn, causing touchdown velocity to be high & RUD, (Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly) but we got all the data we needed! Congrats SpaceX team hell yeah!!"

"Successful ascent, switchover to header tanks & precise flap control to landing point!"

"Mars, here we come!!"
Yeah. look like a lot of good data can be taken from this flight, and the X guys are pretty damn good at landing other stuff, so this is probably a minor thing.
I am wondering how they will land on Mars, after all landing something that tall, with a reasonable small footprint must demand a level hard surface.

I was also watching the scrubbed launch last night.
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Yeah. look like a lot of good data can be taken from this flight, and the X guys are pretty damn good at landing other stuff, so this is probably a minor thing.
I am wondering how they will land on Mars, after all landing something that tall, with a reasonable small footprint must demand a level hard surface.

I was also watching the scrubbed launch last night.
They are looking at possible launching sn9 within the next couple of days if weather still holds in favor. I hope all necessary changes are software programming only. Maybe some minimum hardware changes will be made for next go.
I also have thought about how the legs will work landing on a rough uneven terrain but pretty sure the final product will be equipped differently. Musk doesn't seem satisfied with the current system and wants to come up that doesn't add a lot of mass to the vehicle. The current one will do for the testing though.
I think they should level it out further above the pad, and then come strait down, this run looked as if it barely had the time to get upright.
Yes as i understand the legs on the current rig are temporary and not the real deal, yeah for landing on something uneven you need legs able to actuate i think, maybe not a lor bit a foot or so on each led will go along way.
I'm wrong. I don't think they will launch sn9 this week. Too fast for that
Yeah expensive toys, so better make damn sure.

Also those rear wings with a camera on it as it "fell" they was flexing a bit much for my liking.
I assume on a full blown reentry the stresses will be significant higher on those wings
I've noticed the same thing. The current ones wouldn't hold the extreme hot temperatures at reentry
No as i understand it is to be fitted with tiles just like the space shuttle, and i assume they have to attach to something pretty rigid to stay in place.
Also as there is a gap between those wings and the body i could imagine that could be a problem, but probably why those wings attach a bit into the upper half of the body.

As usual it is probably just my brain complicating things, pretty sure they got all thermal bases covered.

Found a guy with a RC model of star ship using 2 counter rotating propellers, sort of half of a quad copter in a rocket shape, his setup also worked pretty well for a early beta.
There is also a guy doing launch and landing but using solid hobby rocket motors, his work are also very interesting and a hornet nest of problems as you can not throttle a solid fuel motor.

Some times i do wish i was more of a nerd, but i am just skimming the surface of such things.
These things I 3d printed a few months ago are relevant...



Some of the videos showing people's reaction to today's SpaceX test are very entertaining in their own right, like everyday astronaut. What I like best about this video is it shows just how SLOW the rocket was falling while in the belly flop position.

Most epic though is this video looking almost straight up from the landing pad!!
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Yeah expensive toys, so better make damn sure.

Also those rear wings with a camera on it as it "fell" they was flexing a bit much for my liking.
I assume on a full blown reentry the stresses will be significant higher on those wings
They're SUPPOSED to move. They are aero control surfaces that work a lot like a skydiver's arms and legs. When a skydiver raises one arm they will pitch or yaw that direction. Raise both arms and their head will go down. Same basic concept with these flaps.

Best part is that the flaps are actuated using Tesla motors and batteries.

And supposedly cybertruck will be made using the same alloy of stainless steel being developed for starship, which will have the effect of making it cheaper (for both starship and cybertruck) due to economy of scale.
Does this refer to measles?

I dont think the starship was falling slowly, just no fixed points in the footage to gauge the speed by, TBH i would have preferred to see a more zoomed out recording of the decent.

It was probably falling at the speeds dictated by science and math, a watermark of various factors ( G load - altitude - angle - speed ) would from me be greatly appreciated on a follow up video from spacex.
I will accept they can not provide that live, but watermarked on a follow up video should be doable without spending too much of "the tax payers" dime on such things.

The space shuttle also had the flight characteristics of a rock, so also had to go outside the norm for planes landing that sucker.