Pics that make you smile

I see both larger and small birds in that picture, and they haven't even bothered adding a bird of prey.
Also no birdie num num ( in case there are any Peter Sellers aficionados out there )
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Well, you do have to consider the source as well as their intended audience, who probably needs things spelled out at this level so they can comprehend it :eek:

Good journalism still exists but most of journalism these days is slanted towards making money, not reporting events accurately :mad: It's what most people want these days, and the rest of us suffer because of them :cry:

Kids today, are not dressed that well.
Not that i am the one to say, for me it is always casual Friday.

I would however like a proper Zoot suit. for those rare occasions, where i might want to dress up for the part.
You are familiar with the job air traffic controller, and probably know thats a job with little room for error.
Well a Danish one of those are in court these days for showing up for work, and working some with a BAC of 2.62 %, which in layman's terms are what is called extremely ****faced and probably out cold if you are not a hardcore party animal.
O and this was a military ATC,,,,,,, attached to Fighter Wing Skrydstrup.

I swear some times i feel like i have woken up and crossed over to some parralell univers with slightly different rules of physics,,,, and intelligence.
A boy seeing a TV screen for the first time - 1948

View attachment 54653

I'm pretty sure I remember reading a BBC article quite a while back and they said when people saw the TV at the Worlds Fair the first time, most people thought it was some kind of magic trick!
I'm pretty sure I remember reading a BBC article quite a while back and they said when people saw the TV at the Worlds Fair the first time, most people thought it was some kind of magic trick!

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke

See: Clarke's three laws
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Even i a person like me from a developed country, and of some intelligence, still have to call magic or witchcraft some times.
A perfect example are today's mobile phones and 'smart' watches, not too many years ago they were nothing more than the fruit of a science fiction writer's imagination.

And the imagination of one particular actual scientist.
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Yeah Nikola deserved more than getting screwed over, clearly a visionary guy.