Pics that make you smile

I can sort of understand people praying to some deity, but praying for DT or any of his kind to come and save you, even if they was standing right there i dont think that would ever happen, simply not in their nature.
At least not unless you was one of their financial backers.
But i will admit some times i wish i had Thanos fancy glove, cuz the snap finger = problem go away approach do interest me.
but praying for DT
That is just one of the signs that the whole thing has turned in to a cult and that is extremely dangerous. I have heard here locally people saying he is their savior and now they see him as a figure to idolatry. When I see and hear that, it gives chills to my bones and feel saddened. It may look funny but again, truly saddening. I don't think these are bad people but I certainly don't think they are capable to see how badly they have been influenced. Where one goes the rest follows regardless of the merit.
No matter what, there are always people who worship their country's leader, no matter if that leader is worthy of that praise or not. I'm pretty sure there's a small group of people in north korea who worship the Kim's as if they were gods.

Rational folks realize that they're just humans and not gods, but some people just have such empty lives, they just latch on to anything that even remotely feels positive to them. Kinda sad really, and I say that as someone who primarily votes Republican. I have voted for some Democrats and libertarians based on what they've said and done in the past - I'm not a straight ticket voter. Nevermind the fact that you can't actually vote straight ticket in Texas anymore - they actually passed a law to remove that option not that long ago.
No matter what, there are always people who worship their country's leader, no matter if that leader is worthy of that praise or not. I'm pretty sure there's a small group of people in north korea who worship the Kim's as if they were gods.

Rational folks realize that they're just humans and not gods, but some people just have such empty lives, they just latch on to anything that even remotely feels positive to them. Kinda sad really, and I say that as someone who primarily votes Republican. I have voted for some Democrats and libertarians based on what they've said and done in the past - I'm not a straight ticket voter. Nevermind the fact that you can't actually vote straight ticket in Texas anymore - they actually passed a law to remove that option not that long ago.
I agree with you in all of that.
No matter what, there are always people who worship their country's leader, no matter if that leader is worthy of that praise or not. I'm pretty sure there's a small group of people in north korea who worship the Kim's as if they were gods.

Rational folks realize that they're just humans and not gods, but some people just have such empty lives, they just latch on to anything that even remotely feels positive to them. Kinda sad really, and I say that as someone who primarily votes Republican. I have voted for some Democrats and libertarians based on what they've said and done in the past - I'm not a straight ticket voter. Nevermind the fact that you can't actually vote straight ticket in Texas anymore - they actually passed a law to remove that option not that long ago.

We have a unique situation here in Vermont in that we have three major political parties, Republican, Democrat and Progressive. From 2017 to the present we have had a Republican Governor and Progressive Party Lieutenant Governor. Things are kind of old school here; everyone tends to be fairly civil towards one another when it comes to politics and many people tend to vote for the best candidate regardless of which party they represent. Going forward we will have a Republican Governor and a Democrat for Lieutenant Governor. Governor Phil Scott just won his third term in a landslide victory and he didn't even campaign; instead choosing to focus on the COVID crisis and the state economy for which he has been universally acclaimed due to his deft, rational and transparent handling of the situation which led in part to his wide support among the voters. The same can be said for his team of government cabinet officials who are part of the effort and nobody seems to pay much attention to their individual party affiliations. The same can be said about our Secretary of State, Jim Condos, a Democrat who is popular enough to have been in office since 2011 and just won another term. He's recently been praised for doing a fabulous job handling this pandemic election. Between September 21st and October 1st, all active registered voters got a ballot in the mail that they could return in the mail, drop off at their local town clerks office, deposit in a secure ballot box or bring to their polling places on election day. There was also a robust and well crafted absentee ballot process, optimized for COVID but more or less the same as it has previously been. All ballots are paper and scanned, so there is a traceable history. There was a process in place so that ALL votes got tabulated by the end of election day and there have been no reported anomalies or complaints. Vermont was one of the first states to report official results.

Aside from the three major political parties we do have quite a few other smaller and lesser well known ones active here in Vermont and they do get votes. Of course a few of these parties are not that small or obscure and will be more familiar than others.

Liberty Union (Bernie Sanders was once a member back in the early 1970s)
Grumpy Old Patriots (their 2020 presidential nominees got 1,175 votes!)
American Solidarity
Socialist Workers
Boiling Frog
Bread & Roses
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We have a unique situation here in Vermont in that we have three major political parties, Republican, Democrat and Progressive. From 2017 to the present we have had a Republican Governor and Progressive Party Lieutenant Governor. Things are kind of old school here; everyone tends to be fairly civil towards one another when it comes to politics and many people tend to vote for the best candidate regardless of which party they represent. Going forward we will have a Republican Governor and a Democrat for Lieutenant Governor. Governor Phil Scott just won his third term in a landslide victory and he didn't even campaign; instead choosing to focus on the COVID crisis and the state economy for which he has been universally acclaimed due to his deft, rational and transparent handling of the situation which led in part to his wide support among the voters. The same can be said for his team of government cabinet officials who are part of the effort and nobody seems to pay much attention to their individual party affiliations. The same can be said about our Secretary of State, Jim Condos, a Democrat who is popular enough to have been in office since 2011 and just won another term. He's recently been praised for doing a fabulous job handling this pandemic election. Between September 21st and October 1st, all active registered voters got a ballot in the mail that they could return in the mail, drop off at their local town clerks office, deposit in a secure ballot box or bring to their polling places on election day. There was also a robust and well crafted absentee ballot process, optimized for COVID but more or less the same as it has previously been. All ballots are paper and scanned, so there is a traceable history. There was a process in place so that ALL votes got tabulated by the end of election day and there have been no reported anomalies or complaints. Vermont was one of the first states to report official results.

Aside from the three major political parties we do have quite a few other smaller and lesser well known ones active here in Vermont and they do get votes. Of course a few of these parties are not that small or obscure and will be more familiar than others.

Liberty Union (Bernie Sanders was once a member back in the early 1970s)
Grumpy Old Patriots (their 2020 presidential nominees got 1,175 votes!)
American Solidarity
Socialist Workers
Boiling Frog
Bread & Roses

Yesterday, I mentioned how smoothly and problem free our election went here in Vermont and how our Secretary of State, his team, town clerks and election workers across the state received accolades for how well it all went after all their hard work. Everyone who wanted to vote got to do so efficiently and safely and we had a historic turnout - in the middle of a bleeping pandemic. There was zero controversy here about the election results because of how elections in Vermont are conducted and the official returns were the first in the nation to be reported on election night.

Jim Condos, our Secretary of State posted this on Twitter several hours ago. It is shocking and outrageous that we have a president along with many public officials who are fomenting this sort of thing. :mad: :(

To be honest, the democrats were claiming voting fraud and russian interference after Trump got elected in 2016. He is perfectly entitled to start legal cases although I must admit he is really starting make himself look silly now.

In the UK we seem a bit better in our elections, we have something called and there are even restrictions on what colour clothes civil servants running the election are allowed wear.
We also have restrictions on political party advertising on TV.
I would like to see more restrictions put on the use of social media in the run up elections though.
The delusions of these people is sad and the people who believe them even sadder.
(emphasis by me)
Very good analysis @Borg, and I'd add "paranoid" to delusional :( People should look up the clinical definitions for those two words and the diagnostics used to determine where they exist and at what level they are considered to be clinical diseases ;) I have a number of friends who are "on the train" too; very good-hearted people with no ill intentions or prejudices toward anyone :love: But they are so deep into believing what they're being told that they've lost touch with reality. It's sad to see such people fall into this trap. The worst part is that their paranoia-driven mindset prevents them from seeing how they are wrong as any concepts contrary to their beliefs cannot be given consideration but must be defended against: the delusion exemplified :cautious: As long as the belief originates from their object of veneration it cannot be questioned for to do so is blasphemous, even when that wasn't the intent. This is exactly the same mechanism which occurs with drug addiction; where the addict cannot see the harm they are doing to themselves and those they care about for fear of losing the goodness they perceive in their using of the drug :eek: It utterly blinds them to the truth.

One of my mantras in life is to never blindly follow anyone, but to learn all that I can about the subject at hand then decide for myself where to go from there. I've simplified the concept into this: "Only the led can be misled" and it is completely true. You can still make your own errors of judgement but if you apply enough intelligent thought in time you will see and therefore be able to fix those errors. These people are the led, exactly the same kind of people who they and their leader rage against, but they cannot see it nor will they believe it because of their mental disease :cry: You either believe the way they do or you are a liar and enemy to them. Nobody is allowed to believe differently among their kind, in their minds all dissent is wrong and evil. Yet they call themselves "Patriots" and claim to support "Freedom" when those two things are polar opposites of what they claim to be supporting :devilish:

It bodes ill for all of us here in America but especially them. They cannot see that the ones they are harming most are themselves. In time all the arguments they use and cling to today are going to be turned and used against them by the very same object of their adoration they have today. And they will meekly accept their enslavement because they will not be able to see what it is until they no longer have the means to resist it. That's what always happens to people who allow themselves to be led.

Some times we have gotten grill for X mas, new years evening it is dead certain at least at my friends house, even if he have to stand out in the snow or rain to cook it.
And have grilled in bad conditions a few times :cool:
To be honest, the democrats were claiming voting fraud and russian interference after Trump got elected in 2016. He is perfectly entitled to start legal cases although I must admit he is really starting make himself look silly now.

I'm sorry Joe, but you sound woefully uninformed and misinformed about what actually happened in the 2016 US presidential election. It wasn't the "Democrats" claiming Russian interference and there were few if any allegations of "voter fraud".

The investigation into Russian interference in our 2016 election began with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the US Department of Justice which led to the appointment of a special council, Robert Meuller.
Meuller's investigation confirmed that the Russians had indeed interfered with the election in numerous ways including a conspiracy that involved the hacking and release of Democratic National Committee emails, a massive and sophisticated social media disinformation and influence campaign, phony online political advertising and fraudulently obtained visas for various Russian operatives to enter the United States. This led to indictments against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian groups for interfering with the 2016 U.S. election (conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States, aggravated identity theft and conspiracy to launder money). In all, despite repeated claims from Trump and his political allies of a "witch hunt" and a "hoax", 34 people and three business entities were criminally charged as a result of the probe resulting in at least seven convictions and admissions of guilt and several jail sentences including some senior members of the Trump campaign.

Mueller indicts 13 Russians for interfering in US election

Mueller charges 13 Russians with interfering in US election to help Trump

In stark contrast, a full month after the 2020 presidential election there is zero evidence that any of the baseless allegations of voter fraud and a stolen election by Donald Trump or his campaign have proven to be true! - ZERO!
The complete lack of any verifiable evidence whatsoever is the reason that, to date, at least 40 of Trump's legal cases challenging the election results in various US states have been summarily tossed out of court, including by judges that he has appointed!

Donald Trump, his campaign, many of his supporters including high ranking Republican elected officials and certain media outlets like Fox News have made wild, unsubstantiated claims that the election was "stolen". These baseless claims of massive voter fraud include
allegations that hundreds of thousands of non US citizens voted illegally, that many thousands of dead people voted, that thousands of "body doubles" voted multiple times using mail in ballots, that the U.S. election was manipulated by a scheme from dead Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, using a computer system capable of flipping Trump votes to Joe Biden all across the country, and also by something weird happening in Germany where an Army Spec Forces unit allegedly had a “battle with a secret CIA unit in Frankfurt Germany to seize computers involved in stealing the election from Trump”! , that observers were not permitted to monitor the vote counts , that Dominion Voting Systems flipped votes from Trump to Biden in key states, that election workers disposed of valid ballots for Trump, that in certain swing states, there were more votes than people who voted, that election workers were collecting legally cast ballots in Los Angeles the day after the election, "that millions of counterfeit ballots will be/were printed in foreign countries", etc., etc., etc. The list goes on and on!

What we are witnessing here from Donald J. Trump and his minions is known as a
"Firehose of Falsehhood", a well known propaganda technique first introduced in the Soviet Union during the Cold War era but now modified, amplified and enhanced for the multi-channel online universe we live in today designed to entertain, confuse, befuddle and overwhelm the audience to the point where citizens lose their ability to sort actual "truth" and actual "facts" from the tsunami of fallacious garbage coming at them to the point where all information becomes suspect and distrusted. The point is to undermine public trust in America’s free and fair electoral system and to undermine the validity of President-elect Joe Biden's administration going forward.

And unlike during and after the 2016 presidential election, where respected public officials and their families from both parties were not being subjected, as they are now, to serious death threats for simply doing their jobs and stating the obvious and documentable facts, which happen to contradict with the wild allegations of voter fraud and a "rigged" elections emanating from the defeated incumbent candidate in the White House and his cult-like operatives and followers.

Further reading: Debunking False Stories
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Making your "enemy" look where you want him to look, is basic warfare 101, i even think Sun Tzu covered this too in his art of war.
This is something you can transfer directly to magic and politics, and other things too i assume but those 2 just jump to my mind.

There is also the reversed version where you get your "enemy" to look where you really want him to look, i think they call that lobbying today.
The catch phrace is " you scratch my back, i scratch your back "