Pics that make you smile

Danish police spent the last week with extra focus on traffic violations, they got 12.000 of those registered and 8400 of those in the category "down right dangerous for traffic" and thats probably with a fairly moderate presence after all.

We are all going to hell.
Possible a round two. Hopefully a successful one.

OMG its happening :eek: THX for the heads up.
I'm watching in two different feeds
Nice place to live!

"SpaceX has warned residents to move outside prior to tests so they do not get hit with flying glass from broken windows in the event of an explosion. The company has also recommended residents leave the area before tests, which are conducted at all hours of the day and night."
:( will get it right eventually. :alien:
Dead centre of the landing pad:

A reason to smile.

In 2020 there was only 17.430 cases of break in in Denmark, a 29 % drop over 2019, and actually the lowest number since 1977.
Sadly this number have not come about by Danes becoming able to defend them self or their property with weapons, but apparently you can also do without.
Still i would prefer a .45 and CC

The real reason probably are that there are other crimes that pay a lot better, like peddling drugs.
Or maybe that the borders to Denmark are not wide open + the virus had them totally closed too.
Whatever i am not jumping up and down and clapping my hands. :sneaky: